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Produção de veículos recua em 2023

  • : Biofuels, Metals, Oil products
  • 24/01/10

A produção brasileira de veículos caiu 1,9pc em 2023 em comparação a 2022, com maiores volumes de importação e exportações mais baixas prejudicando a fabricação doméstica.

O país produziu 2,3 milhões de veículos de janeiro a dezembro, queda em relação às 2,4 milhões de unidades fabricadas no ano anterior, de acordo com a Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea).

Já as vendas de veículos cresceram 9,7pc no mesmo período, atingindo 2,3 milhões de unidades.

O Brasil exportou quase 403.920 veículos em 2023, baixa de 16pc ante 2022. O México ultrapassou a Argentina pela primeira vez como o principal destino para a carga brasileira, representando 32pc de fatia de mercado.

A Argentina ainda está entre os principais importadores, com 27pc de participação, seguida por Colômbia, Uruguai e Chile, com 8pc, 8pc e 6pc, respectivamente.

Além da queda das exportações, volumes mais elevados de importação também contribuíram para diminuir a produção interna. A Argentina continuou como o maior fornecedor, contando com 63pc de participação, enquanto a China apareceu em seguida, enviando cerca de 42.000 unidades em 2023, forte alta em relação aos 7.900 veículos registrados em 2022.

Em dezembro, a produção recuou 10pc em relação ao mesmo mês em 2022, registrando 171.580 unidades. No intervalo, as vendas avançaram 14pc, para 248.560 veículos, e as exportações encolheram 17pc, para 25.680.

Projeções para 2024

A Anfavea espera que o Brasil produza cerca de 2,5 milhões de veículos em 2024, alta de 6,2pc comparado a 2023.

As vendas devem subir 6,1pc, para 2,45 milhões de unidades. Já as exportações devem crescer ligeiramente para 407.000, expansão de 0,7pc.

O programa nacional de Mobilidade Verde e Inovação (Mover) – novo plano de descarbonização para a frota de transporte, que substitui o Rota 2023 – deve atrair mais investimentos para a indústria automotiva neste ano, disse o presidente da Anfavea, Márcio de Lima Leite.

O governo federal lançou o programa na semana passada e o Congresso ainda precisa aprová-lo.

A Anfavea se reunirá com o governo e outros participantes do setor para discutir detalhes e colaborações para o projeto nos próximos dias, informou Leite, chamando o Mover de "fundamental" para o setor.

Participação de mercado de veículos leves por combustível%
20232022± (pp)

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Aumentan importaciones de combustible en México


Aumentan importaciones de combustible en México

Mexico City, 16 July (Argus) — Las importaciones de combustible en México aumentaron en julio de cara a la temporada de viajes de verano e impulsadas por una disminución de la producción nacional en las refinerías de la estatal Pemex. Las importaciones marítimas a México de gasolina, diésel y turbosina, incluidas las importaciones de Pemex y privados, aumentaron un 18pc a aproximadamente 780,000 b/d del 1 al 10 de julio, frente a 663,000 b/d en el mismo periodo de 2023, según datos de Vortexa. Esto se debió principalmente a un aumento del 66pc en los cargamentos de diésel hasta alcanzar 268,000 b/d, ya que la disponibilidad de este combustible en el mercado ilegal probablemente disminuyó, según fuentes del mercado. Los cargamentos de turbosina se cuadriplicaron hasta los 43,000 b/d en el mismo periodo, ya que Pemex reabastece sus inventarios antes de la temporada de viajes aéreos de verano. Las importaciones de combustible a México habían disminuido a principios de este año, después de que la campaña del gobierno para aumentar la producción de refinerías y reducir su dependencia de las importaciones de EE. UU. comenzara a dar sus frutos, aumentando la producción de gasolina y diésel de Pemex en un 32pc y reduciendo sus importaciones hasta un 25pc en marzo. Pero en abril y mayo, el sistema de refinación de Pemex enfrentó varios problemas, desde un incendio en la refinería de Minatitlán hasta un corte de energía importante en la refinería de Tula, lo que llevó los niveles de procesamiento de crudo de Pemex a un mínimo de cinco meses en mayo. Las tasas de operación de las refinerías en junio se publicarán el 26 de julio. Es probable que el procesamiento de crudo haya caído durante el mes pasado debido a operaciones de mantenimiento en dos refinerías, dijo una fuente familiarizada con las operaciones de refinación de Pemex. El mercado tiene sus dudas sobre la posibilidad una fuerte caída en las importaciones de combustible a México, y algunos refinadores de la costa del Golfo de EE. UU. esperan una fuerte y creciente demanda. Además, incluso si la refinería Olmeca de 340,000 b/d iniciara operaciones comerciales este año, es probable que las otras seis refinerías reduzcan sus tasas de utilización, según fuentes del mercado. Recientemente, Pemex comenzó a vender diésel desde la terminal de distribución de la refinería de Olmeca, pero la cantidad es limitada y el combustible se produjo utilizando materia prima destilada en otra planta. La tendencia a la baja en las operaciones de refinado de México podría continuar en julio a pesar de los esfuerzos del gobierno saliente para aumentar la producción nacional. México ha exportado alrededor de 1 millón de b/d de crudo hasta la fecha en julio, un aumento del 20pc frente a los 847,500 b/d en todo junio, según los datos de Vortexa. Esto indica que es probable que las refinerías de Pemex estén operando a tasas más bajas. Las importaciones de combustible de México podrían continuar su tendencia al alza en los próximos meses, pues los gasolineros esperan una mayor demanda de gasolina durante las vacaciones de verano. Los inventarios de gasolina y diésel de Pemex descendieron un 24pc en junio a 6.2 millones de bl, frente a 8.1 millones de bl en junio de 2023, según una respuesta de transparencia de Pemex a una solicitud de Argus . La empresa deberá aumentar sus importaciones si las refinerías no siguen el ritmo de la demanda. Además, las importaciones suelen aumentar en la segunda mitad del año, impulsadas por la demanda de diciembre y la mezcla de gasolina de invierno de menor precio. México importó más gasolina en el segundo semestre del año en 11 de los últimos 12 años y más diésel en ocho de esos mismos años. Juego de unos pocos El mercado de importación de combustible de México se ha limitado a Pemex y a algunas empresas del sector privado durante los últimos tres años del mandato del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, y no hay señales de cambio después de las elecciones presidenciales de junio. Se espera que la presidenta electa Claudia Sheinbaum, que tomará el cargo el 1 de octubre, continúe con las políticas nacionalistas de energía de López Obrador, y tendrá aún menos contrapeso que su predecesor tras la contundente victoria de su partido Morena en las elecciones legislativas. Las importaciones de combustible a México se abrieron a empresas del sector privado después de la reforma energética de 2014, pero la secretaría de energía canceló decenas de permisos de importación de combustible en los últimos años. Por Antonio Gozain Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Tanker owner denies Houthi attack in Med


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London, 16 July (Argus) — The owner of a tanker reported attacked today in the Mediterranean Sea has said there was no such incident. Petronav Ship Management said its tanker, Olvia , was not targeted as claimed by Yemen's Houthi militants. An attack in the Mediterranean would be a big step outside the Houthi's region of operations, which is limited to the area in and around the Bab el-Mandeb strait at the southern end of the Red Sea. The Houthis claimed two other attacks today in the Red Sea, on crude tanker Chios Lion and oil product tanker Bentley I . By Ben Winkley and Bob Wigin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Rio Tinto to boost 2H Australian iron ore shipments


Rio Tinto to boost 2H Australian iron ore shipments

Sydney, 16 July (Argus) — UK-Australian mining firm Rio Tinto must ship at least 165mn t of iron ore from Western Australia (WA) during July-December, after a derailment disrupted exports in April-June, cutting first half sales to 158mn t. The firm maintained its WA iron ore shipments guidance of 323mn-338mn t for 2024 on a 100pc basis, despite losing six days of port deliveries because of a derailment in May. It shipped 80.3mn t of iron ore from WA on a 100pc basis during April-June, up from 78mn t for January-March , when cyclone-season weather disrupted exports. It was also up by 2pc from April-June 2023, as productivity gains offset ore depletion. The target of 165mn-180mn t for July-December is achievable for Rio Tinto, which often boosts shipments in the second half of a calendar and its financial year. It shipped 170.7mn t during July-December 2023 and 161.7mn t for January-June 2023, for a total of 332mn t in 2023. Low-grade SP10 iron ore made up 17pc of its WA sales during January-June, up from 14pc through 2023, 11pc in 2022 and zero in 2015. The firm warned that SP10 levels are expected to remain elevated until new mining projects are delivered, which is subject to approvals and heritage clearance. The proportion of the high-grade Pilbara Blend fell to 58pc for January-June from 61pc through 2023, 64pc in 2022 and 73pc in 2015. Rio Tinto is developing higher grade deposits, such as its 40mn t/yr Rhodes Ridge project, to try to reverse the grade decline in WA. The firm maintained its 2024 cash cost guidance for WA iron ore at $21.75-23.50, while warning this would be the top end of this for January-June because of the lower volumes sold. It achieved an average price of $97.30/wet metric tonne (wmt) fob WA in January-July, down from $98.60/wmt in the same period last year. The equivalent price for January-June 2024 at an 8pc moisture assumption is $105.80/dry metric tonne (dmt) fob WA. The Argus ICX price for 62pc Fe fines averaged $117.33/dmt cfr Qingdao in January-June, down from $118/dmt in the same period last year. The Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) — in which Rio Tinto owns 59pc — sold 8.65mn t in January-June, up 7pc on the same period last year. It is expected to raise production during July-December with better seasonal conditions to produce as much as 19.5mn t in 2024. By Jo Clarke Rio Tinto iron ore shipments (mn t) Apr-Jun '24 Jan-Mar '24 Apr-Jun '23 Jan-Jun '24 Jan-Jun '23 Pilbara Blend Lump 15.83 15.63 17.76 31.47 36.49 Pilbara Blend Fines 31.34 28.48 33.67 59.81 69.02 Robe Valley Lump 2.52 2.31 2.17 4.83 4.16 Robe Valley Fines 5.84 5.55 4.70 11.39 8.96 Yandicoogina Fines (HIY) 11.36 12.23 12.56 23.59 26.25 SP10 Lump 5.14 4.61 1.65 9.75 3.34 SP10 Fines 8.28 9.22 6.61 17.50 13.45 Total WA iron ore shipments 80.31 78.03 79.12 158.34 161.66 IOC iron ore shipments 4.13 4.52 4.43 8.65 8.05 Source: Rio Tinto Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Yemen’s Houthis attack ships in Red Sea, Mediterranean


Yemen’s Houthis attack ships in Red Sea, Mediterranean

Singapore, 16 July (Argus) — Yemen-based Houthi militants have launched three military operations in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, Yemen's state-owned news agency Saba said on 15 July. The Houthis carried out multiple attacks against an Israel-owned oil product tanker in the Red Sea, according to US Central Command (Centcom) on 16 July. The Houthis used three surface vessels to attack the Panama-flagged and Monaco-operated Bentley I , which was carrying vegetable oil from Russia to China, Centcom said. There was no reported damage or injuries, Centcom said. Bentley I loaded 39,480t of sunflower oil at Russia's Taman port on 3 July, according to global trade analytics platform Kpler. The Houthis also separately attacked a Marshall Islands-owned, Greek-operated crude oil tanker Chios Lion with an uncrewed surface vessel (USV) in the Red Sea. The USV caused damage but the Chios Lion has not requested assistance and there have not been any reported injuries, Centcom said. The Houthis described its hit as "accurate and direct", according to Saba. The Chios Lion loaded 60,000t (387,000 bl) of high-sulphur straight-run fuel oil on 30 June and 30,000t of fuel oil on 18 June, both at Russia's Tuapse port, according to Kpler. It planned to unload these in China on 22 July. The Houthis have claimed responsibility for these two ship attacks, which were targeted "owing to violation ban decision of access to the ports of occupied Palestine by the company that owns the ship". The Houthis also claimed a third attack on the Olvia with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance in the Mediterranean, with this having "successfully achieved its objective". The Olvia loaded about 6,300t of very-low sulphur fuel oil at Israel's Haifa port on 12 July and was scheduled to unload this at Israel's Ashdod refinery on 13 July. Crude prices were largely lower at 04:00 GMT. The Ice front-month September Brent contract was at $84.63/bl, lower by 22¢/bl from its settlement on 15 July when the contract ended 18¢/bl lower. The Nymex front-month August crude contract was at $81.65/bl, down by 26¢/bl from its settlement on 15 July when the contract ended 30¢/bl lower. By Tng Yong Li Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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