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Bill would require US EIA to share more SAF data

  • : Agriculture, Biofuels, Emissions, Oil products
  • 24/08/12

A bipartisan bill would require the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) to report more granular data about sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which supporters say would add transparency to an opaque market and help scale up production.

The agency currently tracks SAF and offers periodic updates on the fuel's use, though not on any regular cadence like it does with conventional petroleum-based fuels and more established biofuels like ethanol, biodiesel, and renewable diesel. But the US Department of Energy and EIA would have to shift course and provide more frequent and technical SAF updates "as soon as practicable" if the bill, introduced late last week by representatives Mike Flood (R-Nebraska) and Troy Carter (D-Louisiana), ends up passing.

According to bill text shared with Argus, EIA would have to report on SAF production across the country and in each state, imports, and the "type, origin, and volume of feedstock" used to make SAF. The bill defines SAF as liquid fuel that produces at least 50pc fewer lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions as conventional jet fuel and that is not produced from petroleum or palm oil derivatives, mirroring eligibility requirements set out in the Inflation Reduction Act for a SAF tax credit.

The bill specifically requires that EIA's Petroleum Supply Monthly and Weekly Petroleum Status Report include the new SAF data along with "any other relevant report." Potentially applicable publications include EIA's monthly report estimating biofuel production capacity — which currently lumps SAF together with renewable diesel and lesser-used biofuels — and a monthly outlook that includes production, consumption, and import projections for various commodities.

Various biofuels associations — including corn groups that are banking on rising SAF production to create new demand for ethanol — voiced their support. Geoff Cooper, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, said that "this legislation would ensure SAF producers and users have the information they need to make informed decisions and smart investments."

While relatively little supply is available today, EIA said last month that SAF production capacity could hit nearly 30,000 b/d this year and increase again in 2025 if planned capacity additions are not delayed. Refiners like Phillips 66, Calumet, and Valero have set plans to convert more of their renewable diesel production to SAF over the next year. There are also other production pathways in various stages of development, such as using ethanol as feedstock or converting syngas from agricultural and forest wastes into liquid fuel.

The bill, which has five Democratic and two Republican sponsors, is pending before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. EIA declined to comment on any policy proposal.

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Brasil busca leilão de hidrovias e terminais portuários

Brasil busca leilão de hidrovias e terminais portuários

Sao Paulo, 3 January (Argus) — O governo federal planeja uma série de leilões de terminais portuários e hidrovias para 2025, totalizando R$8,5 bilhões. O Ministério de Portos e Aeroportos e a Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (Antaq) serão responsáveis pelos leilões, buscando parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) que aumentarão a eficiência e expandirão as opções de transporte do país. O Brasil espera realizar 21 leilões e uma concessão em 2025. Muitas áreas do país carecem de infraestrutura adequada para o transporte de grãos e fertilizantes e são altamente dependentes do transporte rodoviário para o fluxo de carga. Portos PAR14: O terminal do porto de Paranaguá, no Paraná, movimenta e armazena granéis vegetais sólidos, como soja, farelo de soja, açúcar, trigo e milho. O leilão está programado para o primeiro trimestre de 2025, com um investimento estimado de R$529,2 milhões e uma concessão de 35 anos. O terminal terá capacidade para movimentar 6,8 milhões de toneladas (t)/ano. PAR15: Esse outro terminal de Paranaguá se concentra na movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais. O projeto prevê investimentos de R$293,2 milhões e terá capacidade para movimentar 4 milhões de t/ano. O período de concessão será de 35 anos e o leilão está programado para 21 de fevereiro. PAR25: Outro terminal em Paranaguá voltado para a movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais. Com capacidade para movimentar 4,3 milhões de t/ano, espera-se que os investimentos cheguem a R$564,1 milhões. O terminal será concedido por 35 anos e o leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre. MCP01: Localizado no porto de Santana, no Amapá, movimenta granéis sólidos vegetais, especialmente madeira. O terminal foi objeto de um leilão realizado em 2018, mas nenhuma proposta foi apresentada e o projeto foi reavaliado. Um novo leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre, com investimentos esperados de R$84,6 milhões e um período de concessão de 25 anos. VDC29: Um terminal no porto de Vila do Conde, no Pará, com um investimento estimado de R$716 milhões. Terá capacidade para movimentar 7 milhões de t/ano, com foco na movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais sólidos, especialmente soja e milho. O leilão está programado para o terceiro trimestre, com um prazo de concessão de 25 anos. POA26: No porto de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, será usado para movimentar e armazenar granéis sólidos vegetais e minerais. O período de concessão será de dez anos, com investimentos estimados em R$21,1 milhões. O leilão está programado para o terceiro trimestre. SSB01: O leilão desse terminal no porto de São Sebastião, em São Paulo, está programado para o quarto trimestre. O prazo da concessão será de 35 anos, com um investimento de R$544,8 milhões. Seu foco será a movimentação e o armazenamento de granéis sólidos vegetais e minerais, com uma capacidade estimada de 4,3 milhões de t/ano. IQI16: O terminal está localizado no porto do Itaqui, no Maranhão, com um leilão programado para o quarto trimestre. A área será dedicada ao armazenamento e movimentação de granéis minerais sólidos, especialmente fertilizantes. O período de concessão será de 25 anos, com um investimento estimado em R$63,9 milhões. Canal de acesso aos portos de Paranaguá e Antonina: O projeto de concessão da infraestrutura de acesso aquaviário aos portos do estado do Paraná é inédito no Brasil. O Capex é estimado em R$1,1 bilhão, com um prazo de concessão de 25 anos. O leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre. A concessão abrangerá as funções de administração portuária relacionadas à gestão da infraestrutura, expansão, manutenção e operação do canal de acesso aos portos do Paraná. Hidrovias Hidrovia do Rio Madeira: Importante para o transporte de grãos e combustíveis, tem uma extensão navegável de 1.075 km, ligando a cidade de Porto Velho, em Rondônia, a Itacoatiara, no Amazonas. A Hidrovia do Madeira movimentou mais de 10 milhões de t em 2023, mas pode movimentar mais de 25 milhões de t/ano, de acordo com a Antaq. Os termos do projeto de concessão ainda estão sendo desenvolvidos e o leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre, com um prazo de 10 a 20 anos. Hidrovia do Paraguai: A hidrovia é importante para o transporte de minério de ferro e soja. Tem 1.323 km de extensão e vai da cidade de Ponta Porã, em Mato Grosso do Sul, até a cidade de Cáceres, em Mato Grosso. A via movimentou mais de 7 milhões de t em 2023, com potencial para atingir mais de 25 milhões de t/ano, de acordo com a Antaq. A hidrovia também conecta o Brasil à Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai. O modelo de leilão também está sendo desenvolvido e está programado para o quarto trimestre. O período de concessão seria de 10 a 20 anos. Por João Petrini Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

Viewpoint: India bitumen demand growth prospects mixed


Viewpoint: India bitumen demand growth prospects mixed

Singapore, 3 January (Argus) — Prospects of India's 2025 bitumen consumption growth are mixed, as state governments' delayed disbursement of project funds are likely to persist and weigh on demand while the many incomplete projects could boost consumption. India is a net bitumen importer and the biggest consumer of Middle East origin bitumen, especially from Iran. India's bitumen consumption had touched record highs in 2022 and 2023 and surpassed 8mn t/yr, despite prolonged payment delays, as importers had offered atypically longer credit terms to road contractors. All importers and traders are "struggling with payment recovery", an Indian importer said. Many contractors are demanding credit as several state governments have not released funds, the importer added. "Demand is not bad, but it really depends on funding. Demand won't increase by a lot [next year], but it should be quite stable [to 2024]." High inventory pressure forced importers to offer atypically bigger discounts to liquidate cargoes, which squeezed their profit margins, especially as import costs increased given a supply crunch in Iran. But there is no dearth of projects as many were delayed because of funding constrains, importers said. Some state-controlled refiners anticipate consumption to grow next year, albeit marginally. Refiners were previously forced to offer larger discounts against listed values to attract more customers, which weighed on their profit margins this year. This could continue into 2025 would ultimately pressure refiners to reduce bitumen output and increase production of other higher valued oil products. Indian refiners typically produce around 5mn t/yr, which accounts for around 55-60pc of total bitumen consumption. "We are only expecting a 3-4pc increase in demand on year as no new major road projects have been announced, so it is hard to see a larger growth," a source close to a state-refiner said. "But imports will increase if we reduce production, given growth will still be in [the] positive. So next year will not be that fantastic in comparison and there would not be any capacity augmentation for bitumen." This indicates that the central government's expectation that Indian bitumen consumption will rise by 14pc on the year to 10mn t during the ongoing financial year ending March 2025 could be at risk. Limited Middle East exports Vacuum bottom feedstock supply has been erratic in Iran, and feedstock transportation from national refineries to private bitumen producers has also been delayed this year, which market participants expect to persist in the coming year. This will limit feedstock availability and in turn bitumen output, increasing export cost especially for higher priced VG40 grade, which is imported by India. Tight supply has also increased congestions at the Bandar Abbas port, forcing vessel owners and importers to incur higher demurrage, increasing costs and weighing on import appetite. There are also fears that the new Trump administration may impose more sanctions and other political measures on Iran next year, further clouding the export outlook. Iranian central bank's recent announcement to phase out the Nima foreign exchange platform has increased uncertainty on the rials' value against the US dollar as importers and exporters will now have to trade based on mutually agreed exchange rates, with the free market rate still depressed. Meanwhile, Baghdad's recent directive to stop oil and other oil products from entering Iran, unless the exports are licensed by state-owned Somo, could also limit drummed bitumen exports as bitumen producers do not typically possess a Somo licence. Iraqi drums are generally transshipped out of Bandar Abbas. The recent upgrade of Bahrain's state-owned Sitra refinery to 380,000 b/d from 267,000 b/d will primarily boost middle distillate and naphtha output, weighing on bitumen production. Middle East cargoes are also typically exported to southeast and east Asia during low demand periods in India. Seaborne prices in Asia rose to multi-year highs in 2022 and import appetite for relatively cheaper Middle East-origin bulk cargoes increased, which continued in 2023. Appetite from Asia this year was mostly from China and Vietnam, as other buyers preferred Asia-origin cargoes because of compatible specifications and proximity. "The Middle East-Asia arbitrage is closed, and we will see very little-to-no cargoes from the UAE to Asia," a southeast Asia-based trader said. This is because Middle East-origin cargo cfr prices are not likely to be competitive to Asian cargoes, with supply and loading constraints in Iran adding to the uncertainties. By Maedeh Mazinani, Sathya Narayanan and Chloe Choo Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Viewpoint: Road auctions may buoy Brazil asphalt demand


Viewpoint: Road auctions may buoy Brazil asphalt demand

Sao Paulo, 2 January (Argus) — Demand for asphalt in Brazil is expected to remain elevated in 2025, boosted by a number of highway projects planned to be tendered this year. The Ministry of Transportation expects to seek tenders in 15 auctions this year . Overall, the Brazilian Association of Highway Concessionaires looks for 3,000km worth of roadway projects to be awarded at the federal level, along with another 4,000km at the state level. That is up from 10 auctions for projects covering 4,000km of paving work at the federal and state level last year. This anticipation of such an active paving year is upending the conventional wisdom that a year without elections means less asphalt demand. Typically, paving work on public streets and highways is more concentrated during election years, when mayors and governors focus their public budgets on infrastructure work to appease voters. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's administration has asked lawmakers to allocate R$12.8bn for the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure in 2025, up by nearly R$240mn from the amount approved for 2024. The National Congress is expected to take up the annual budget law in February, after the parliamentary recess, and may make considerable changes. State-controlled Petrobras expects to sell around 2.7mn t of asphalt in 2025, or 1pc more than its 2024 projections. This past year was record-breaking for the Brazilian asphalt market, with more than 2.76mn tons of asphalt sold through October, according to oil regulator ANP. This was 10pc more than what was sold in the same period in 2023, in a year in which asphalt demand reached its highest level since 2014. Asphalt imports increased in 2024 as a result. Brazil's asphalt sales exceeded local production by an average of 18pc, boosting the purchase of imported material earlier in the year. US Gulf coast exports to Brazil reached an all-time high in October , according to data from Kpler. During the first 11 months of 2024, Brazil imported 300mn t of asphalt, also primarily from the US Gulf. By Julio Viana Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Viewpoint: European jet may struggle to find support


Viewpoint: European jet may struggle to find support

London, 2 January (Argus) — European jet fuel prices weakened over the course of 2024, and support is difficult to see in the coming year. Outright jet fuel values in Europe averaged $802/t between January and November, with the highest prices between February and April. In the second half of 2024 prices fell, to average $721.50/t in November, down by almost 18pc from January and even more compared with the November 2023 average of $921.50/t. In December, values for delivered jet fuel cargoes often dropped to below $700/t ( see graph ). Jet fuel supply to Europe ramped up in 2024, and was consistently strong throughout the year . This peaked in August-September, coinciding with the fall in prices. Large developments in Middle Eastern refinery capacity caused the increases in supply. Refining margins for jet fuel in Europe are likely to remain underwhelming. Argus Consulting estimates jet fuel premiums to North Sea Dated to average around $13/bl in 2025, compared with $20.53/bl in the first 11 months of 2024 and $29.30/bl in 2023. Weaker overall refining margins have led to capacity closure plans in 2025, so imports will probably compose a greater proportion of European jet fuel supply in the coming years. Eurostat data for January-July 2024 show a 0.7pc year on year rise in EU jet fuel demand. Argus Consulting calculates European jet fuel demand was 1.5pc up on the year for all of 2024. Flights across the Eurocontrol network totalled more than 9.44mn in January-November, higher by more than 10pc from the same period in 2023. Most areas in Europe have now equalled or surpassed pre-pandemic flight levels. Yet strong supply seems to have outstripped rising demand in 2024, and market participants expect the same in 2025 even though Middle East and Indian refiners now say arbitrage economics to Europe are closed . With northwest European jet fuel holding its narrowest premium to Singaporean jet fuel in three years, more jet has been shipped east in recent months. Since late November, Singaporean values have even surpassed those in Europe. But market participants do not expect serious tightness in European supply. Even air traffic growth may not proportionally raise European jet fuel demand in the coming year, as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mandates now require at least 2pc blending in the EU and UK, as of 1 January. European SAF prices fell by more than 30pc between January and November ( see graph ), as SAF supply and refining capacity grew ahead of the mandate. Increasing mandates in the coming years may weigh further on fossil jet demand. Crucially, however, suppliers only need to include 2pc SAF in all jet fuel over the course of the year, not immediately. This means many European suppliers will continue to use 100pc fossil jet fuel until the early part of 2025 at least. Some market participants have confirmed they intend to do this, while the relevant SAF infrastructure, logistics and administration are finalised. Fossil jet fuel balances may therefore be little changed early in 2025 — although if suppliers blend less than 2pc SAF at first, they would need to blend more than that later in the year, using accordingly less fossil jet at that point. Increasing fuel efficiency of aircraft has been pressuring European jet fuel demand. But Boeing and Airbus are heavily delayed in their delivery of newer, fuel-efficient aircraft. Boeing had 4,750 unfulfilled orders of its 737 MAX aircraft as of late October, while Airbus lowered its commercial aircraft delivery targets earlier this year . Aviation analytics firm OAG has forecast supply of aircraft will remain tight until at least 2026. This led fuel efficiency in Europe to improve by only 1.1pc in 2024 compared with 2023, according to Argus Consulting . By Amaar Khan Jet/kerosine NWE cif $/t RED SAF fob ARA $/t Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Dangote crude receipts hit new high in December


Dangote crude receipts hit new high in December

Barcelona, 2 January (Argus) — Crude receipts at Nigeria's 650,000 b/d Dangote refinery rose to a new high in December. The refinery received just under 395,000 b/d last month, up from 280,000 b/d in November, according to Argus tracking, plus Kpler and Vortexa data. For a fourth consecutive month December's crude deliveries were all Nigerian and did not include any US WTI. Deliveries of WTI had been anticipated in December, but did not materialise. Last month's receipts included cargoes of Nigerian grades Escravos, Bonny Light, CJ Blend, Qua Iboe and Erha. Bonny Light was the largest single grade at 140,000 b/d. Three deliveries on very large crude carriers (VLCC) helped boost receipts. No cargoes of Forcados or Amenam were delivered to Dangote last month, having previously been regular grades at the unit (see chart) . Dangote Group is maintaining a very consistent slate in terms of gravity and especially sulphur content. Argus assessed Dangote's December slate at a weighted average gravity of 36.3°API and under 0.2pc sulphur content, compared with 36.4°API and under 0.2pc sulphur in November. In March-December, the slate averaged 36.3°API and again, under 0.2pc sulphur. Operator Dangote Group said it is aiming for 350,000 b/d of throughput in a first phase of operations. Receipts did hit 350,000 b/d in June, but fell back after that. Since March, when crude delivery began to increase, estimated receipts have averaged a little under 275,000 b/d. By Adam Porter Dangote crude receipts mn bl Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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