
The Energy Argus Petroleum Coke service is your single, reliable source for coke and solid fuel market intelligence.

Gain transparency into the evolving international petroleum coke markets with weekly and monthly prices, expert commentary and global market-moving news for fuel-grade petcoke.

This service includes monthly pricing on anode-grade petroleum coke, as well as up-to-date information on coker and refinery operations.

Key features


Weekly prices

Weekly prices for global fuel-grade petroleum coke.


Anode-grade pricing

Monthly prices for global anode-grade petroleum coke.


Monthly averages

Calendar monthly average indexes.


Market prices

Historical pricing and market data.


Global perspective

Key prices and commentary with a global perspective on crude, refineries, coal, freight, cement and metals markets.

Customers that benefit

Anyone with exposure to petcoke markets will find the Energy Argus Petroleum Coke service essential. Below are examples of how some clients use this service:
  • Fuel buyers

    Use Argus data to manage logistics and supply chain risks. The cost of fuel can be the difference between plant dispatch or idling the operation, and managing this exposure is crucial to cement makers and power generators.

  • Refiners

    Use Argus throughout their operation, managing crude oil inputs and the myriad production options using Argus insights. Argus petroleum coke prices are the smart choice for refinery managers around the world.
  • Aluminium and calciner buyers

    Rely on Argus price assessments for insight on the crucial cathode-grades of petroleum coke. Argus covers this market from the refinery to smelter, offering the most complete service in the sector.

  • Trading companies

    Use Argus prices to secure supply and sell into world markets. The trading community has learned to rely on Argus and uses Argus insights when undertaking transactions.