12 May 2025
Marine Fuels 101 Workshop* and evening welcome drinks
- * Today's sessions are open to delegates who have booked a 'Conference and Marine Fuels 101 Workshop Pass'. Each session will be delivered by a fuel expert, who will provide an overview of the fuel’s market designed to provide you with a baseline knowledge enough to engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues for the rest of the conference. Topics covered will include: global capacity, expansion plans, key price drivers, market fundamentals, current usage as a marine fuel, future challenges and opportunities and more. The evening welcome drinks reception is open to all pass holders.
- 09:00 - 10:00
Morning registration and networking breakfast
Marine Fuels 101 Workshop begins
- 10:00 - 10:05
Conference producer's opening remarks
Emily Harris
Conference ProducerArgus- 10:05 - 10:10
Chairperson's opening remarks
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus- 10:10 - 10:30
Interactive voting and objective setting
Use this time to share your pressing questions and set some objectives for what you’d like to learn during this focus day! We will revisit these at the conclusion of the day.- 10:30 - 11:00
Argus presents: What’s all the fuss about? Setting the scene for a sustainable marine fuels industry
• What marine fuels are currently available to the global market? Does this vary by region?
• What challenges and bottlenecks exist currently in production and supply of alternative marine fuels?
• What are the main policies to be aware of when considering sustainable marine fuels?Speaker:
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus
Morning break
- 11:00 - 11:45
Morning networking and coffee break
Marine biodiesel | LNG and bio-LNG
- 11:45 - 12:15
Marine biodiesel
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus- 12:15 - 12:45
Martin Senior
Editor - LNGArgus
Lunch break
- 12:45 - 14:15
Lunch break
Methanol, e-methanol and bio-methanol | Ammonia
- 14:15 - 14:45
- 14:45 - 15:15
Jack Merriott
Senior Manager - Consulting ServicesArgusMei Kei Lai
Afternoon break
- 15:15 - 15:45
Afternoon networking and coffee break
- 15:45 - 16:15
Working roundtables and main takeaways
- 16:15 - 16:45
Working roundtables with Argus experts
Get your pressing questions answered, connect with like-minded cross-industry peers at fuel specific tables, answer questions from live bingo poll. Marine biodiesel: Hussein Al-Khalisy LNG: Martin Senior Methanol: TBA Ammonia: Jack Merriott and Mei Kei Lai Hydrogen: TBARoundtable hosts include:
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgusMartin Senior
Editor - LNGArgusMei Kei Lai
ManagerArgusJack Merriott
Senior Manager - Consulting ServicesArgus- 16:45 - 17:00
Final thoughts and main takeaways
• Share roundtable workings with the audience and take away the days final conclusions • Time to answer any outstanding questions from the morning’s live bingo poll- 17:00
Chairperson's closing remarks
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus
Welcome drinks reception - open to all registered delegates
- 17:00 - 19:00
Welcome to the Argus Green Marine Fuels Europe Conference drinks reception
Location: Hilton Old Town Antwerp
13 May 2025
Main conference begins
- 08:00 - 09:00
Morning registration and networking breakfast
- 09:00 - 09:05
Conference producer's opening remarks
Emily Harris
Conference ProducerArgus- 09:05 - 09:10
Chairperson's opening remarks
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus
Morning keynote panels
- 09:10 - 09:55
Keynote infrastructure panel: Getting ready for a multi-fuel future – how are ports, terminals, technology providers and storage facilities ensuring lasting competitiveness in a decarbonising industry?
• What is the current overview of port and terminal facilities in Europe for sustainable marine fuels and how are these facilities preparing themselves and ensuring their technology is ready for a multi-fuel future? How are these companies tackling complications with last mile fuel delivery in the future?
• What are the current tank storage capacities for the key fuels across Europe? What plans are there for increasing this capacity and are there any challenges for the different fuels?
• Considering onshore power supply (OPS) as a key factor in decarbonisation: what steps, if any, are being taken by these key companies to provide OPS? What are the benefits of OPS - discussing emissions reduction, regulatory compliance, energy efficiency and more?Speakers Include:
Aukje Tops
Commercial DirectorChane Terminals B.V.Therese Jallbrink
Head of Renewable EnergyPort of GothenburgGilles Decan
Program Manager HydrogenPort of Antwerp-Bruges- 09:55 - 10:40
Keynote fuels panel: Assessing the fuels matrix – considering biodiesel, methanol (e- and bio), LNG (and bio), ammonia, and hydrogen
• How are transition fuels such as biofuels, LNG, and methanol assisting with the reduction of GHG emissions in the European maritime industry? How much further can we continue with these fuels when considering bio-LNG, bio-methanol and further biofuel development?
• How is the market coping with higher cost fuels and what tools are in place to mitigate risk in this area?
• What is the current state of development – including infrastructure and predicted production capacity, engine technology development and more – for future fuels such as ammonia and hydrogen?Valerie Ahrens
Senior Director New Fuels and Carbon MarketsBunker Holding
Morning break
- 10:40 - 11:20
Morning networking and coffee break
Shipowners panel, Argus market update and policy review
- 11:20 - 12:00
Shipowners panel: Fuelling the global fleets of the future
• How are shipowners evaluating alternative fuel sources and what are the benefits and risks associated with these fuels (LNG, methanol, biofuels, ammonia, hydrogen)? What considerations must be made when choosing fuel A over fuel B?
• What infrastructural and logistical developments need to be considered when evaluating alternative fuel choices? How are shipowners evaluating various vessel investment options to ensure they are set up for success long-term?
• New ship orders – what are we seeing in terms of engine-types on new order ships?Speakers Include:
Ilyas Muhammad
Director, Head of Green FuelsHapag-Lloyd AGShintaro Takashina
Deputy Manager, Zero-Emission Fuel Strategy Team, Bunker DivisionMitsui OSK Lines (MOL Group)- 12:00 - 12:30
Argus presents: The bunkering industry in Europe – a year dominated by policy and continued regulatory pressures affecting fuels demand
- How is the evolving maritime regulatory landscape affecting the uptake and choice of alternative marine fuels across Europe?
- What are the key market fundamentals and price drivers to keep an eye on? How do these vary by fuel?
- Europe and Asia: How do prices and competitiveness of alternative marine fuels vary in these two regions and what does this mean for fuels demand in both regions?
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus- 12:30 - 13:00
Policy talk: Understanding the consequences of Fuel EU Maritime, the EU ETS and IMO net-zero on fuel choices
• How do all these policy developments intersect with each other? How does the industry ensure regulatory compliance?
• What are the main takeaways from the IMO’s spring meeting?
• What is the impact of these policies on fuel choices? How can shipowners and charterers use policies to optimize their fuel choicesSpeaker:
Nicolas Degorce
Sustainability Project ManagerBureau Veritas Marine & Offshore
Lunch break
- 13:00 - 14:00
Networking boat tour at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges*
- * ADD ON: To join the boat tour you will need to add this to your conference pass when registering for the event.
- 14:00
Buses depart from in front of the Hilton
- 14:30 - 17:00
Networking boat tour of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Network with like-minded peers on an exclusive tour of the Port of Antwerp and see the real-world development of a multi fuel green marine fuels port. Available only to delegates who add the networking boat tour to their registration.- 16:30 - 17:00
Guided tour of the Porthouse
For those who miss out on the boat tour, join us before the reception for a guided tour of The Porthouse instead. Open to all registered delegates.
Networking drinks reception sponsored by the Port of Antwerp-Bruges
- 17:00 - 19:00
Networking drinks reception
Location: The Porthouse, Port of Antwerp-Bruges Open to all registered delegates
14 May 2025
Main conference resumes
- 08:00 - 09:00
Networking breakfast
- 08:55 - 09:00
Chairperson's opening remarks
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgus- 09:00 - 09:05
Port of Antwerp-Bruges opening remarks
Tom Hautekiet
Chief Business Development & Transition OfficerPort of Antwerp-Bruges
Fuels deep-dive morning – evaluating the fuels matrix
- 09:05 - 09:50
Today’s solutions: marine biodiesel as a plug-and-play solution to decarbonisation
• How is the European marine biodiesel market evolving? What is the impact of rising competition from Singapore and China?
• Has FuelEU Maritime and higher ETS costs from 2025 bolstered marine biodiesel demand as expected?
• How is rising demand impacting biodiesel availability for bunker blending and what new feedstocks are being tested as the market seeks to diversify?Speakers include:
Dáša Mamrillová
Government Affairs DirectorEWABA (European Waste-based & Advanced Biofuels Association)- 09:50 - 10:35
Fuelling ships with LNG and the emergence of bio-LNG
• Benefitting from significantly reducing the environmental impact of a vessel and a well-developed infrastructure network globally, how does LNG fit in with future emission targets for shipowners?
• LNG was traditionally used for LNG carriers and small ferries but has now been adopted by larger vessels such as cruise, tanker, and bulk carriers. Are we still seeing long-term orders for LNG-fuelled vessels?
• Bio-LNG is gaining traction as a marine fuel – offering greater GHG emission savings than conventional LNG – what is the scale of this market and what investments are being made in bio-LNG infrastructure?Speakers Include:
Michael McNamara
Vice President of Global Fuel SupplyCarnival CorporationMichael Schaap
Commercial DirectorTitan
Morning break
- 10:35 - 11:20
Morning networking and coffee break
Fuels deep-dive morning resumes
- 11:20 - 12:05
The growing diversification of methanol as a marine fuel
• What is the distinction between methanol, bio-methanol, and e-methanol and how does production capacity and GHG emission reduction vary across these fuels?
• What is the real size of current methanol fuelled fleets, and why is methanol often found in dual-fuel engines across all vessel sizes?
• What makes bio-methanol particularly attractive when looking to be compliant with Fuel EU Maritime and the EU ETS? What further certification issues are there to be straightened out – particularly the feedstock sourcing – before bio-methanol could be considered on a larger scale?Speakers Include:
Joost Weterings
Commercial DirectorLiquid WindLana Piterova
Senior Procurement Manager, Global Fuel Sourcing and OperationsRoyal Caribbean Group- 12:05 - 12:50
Future fuels: how ready is the industry for ammonia and hydrogen?
• Chicken and the egg: we are seeing lots of announced volumes for ammonia ready for offtake from 2026 but when will we see the demand match? Will it be the marine or power industries to initiate the demand?
• What is the current state of development for ammonia and hydrogen engines in ships – when will they hit the water in large scale orders? What types of ships can be fuelled with hydrogen and ammonia?
• How ready is the infrastructure at ports and storage terminals? Considering refuelling – could ship-to-ship beat out on-shore fuelling for logistical ease?Speakers include:
Paul Rodgers
Commercial DirectorTen08 Energy
Lunch break
- 12:50 - 14:20
Financing, end-users, and engine manufacturing
- 14:20 - 15:00
Who’s going to foot the bill? Bridging the economical gap to finance industry-wide decarbonisation
• What opportunity do projects such as maritime book and claim provide for helping companies of all sizes across the supply chain to afford to decarbonise?
• What financing options are available for the production of alternative marine fuels, development of new engine technologies, and purchasing of new ships? Who is providing the green capital?
• What financing options will be available across the supply chain – from engine development and purchasing, shipbuilding, and purchasing of higher-price and lower-density clean fuels?Speakers include:
Marcello Leonardi
Finance Advisor, Corporate Finance AdvisoryEuropean Investment Bank- 15:00 - 15:45
How are end-user shipowners evaluating the fuels matrix and what are they backing to net-zero?
• What makes alternative marine fuels attractive to large scale end-user shipping companies and what fuels are they backing for today and the future?
• How do end-user shipping companies evaluate marine fuels and placing new ship orders when considering the huge importance of a reliable network, delivery times, investment decisions and their own decarbonisation targets?
• How will the fuel premium be distributed across the value chain as we get closer to the end customer?Speakers include:
Ivelina Georgieva
Sustainability Leader TransportIKEA- 15:45 - 16:15
From the manufacturer’s mouth: Developing two-stroke and four-stroke engines to run on alternative marine fuels and building ships to house them
• What is the current state of development for engines across the marine matrix?
• What is the process of developing an engine for a new fuel, and how long does the process take from start to commercialisation?
• What new orders are we seeing for 2026 and beyond?Speakers include:
Nitesh Ranvah
CEO21 Knots
Conference closing
- 16:15 - 16:20
Chairperson's closing remarks
Hussein Al-Khalisy
Associate Editor - Alternative Marine FuelsArgusConference concludes
Thank you for attending the 2025 Argus Green Marine Fuels Europe Conference