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EPA could waive E15 enforcement: USDA

  • Market: Oil products
  • 13/02/19

The US Department of Agriculture has encouraged environmental regulators to waive enforcement of laws blocking the summer sale of ethanol blends above 10pc if a rule is not in place by 1 June, the department's deputy secretary said today.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should tell retailers that it will not enforce violations of the Clean Air Act if rules are not completed to allow the sale of 15pc ethanol blends of gasoline after 1 June, US Department of Agriculture deputy secretary Stephen Censky said at the National Ethanol Conference in Orlando, Florida.

An already narrow deadline to complete a rule allowing such sales shrank last month during the 35-day government shutdown. EPA did not return a request for comment on whether the agency was considering such a waiver.

"It is kind of a Plan B," Censky said on the conference sidelines.

President Donald Trump directed the EPA last September to allow the sale of the higher ethanol blends year round in all markets. Waivers already exist for the now ubiquitous 10pc ethanol blend of gasoline, called E10. But E15 lacks a waiver of rules that restrict the sale of fuels more susceptible to evaporation during summer months.

The restriction has stunted retailer interest in major markets in offering the E15 blend. Historically low margins for ethanol to corn, export markets closed off by trade battles and rising US ethanol production have all added urgency for the industry to expand domestic market access.

EPA under previous administrations said such a change must come from congress and that the agency lacked rulemaking authority. Refined product trade groups, including the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), have said they would challenge such a rulemaking in court.

The enforcement waiver was an industry idea that USDA communicated to the EPA, Censky said. It was only an option now because it was the stated policy of the administration, he said.

Ethanol export talks meanwhile continued, Censky said. Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping were working to set a meeting date in March to continue discussions on intellectual property theft and tariffs set by both countries on commodities. The White House could not be immediately reached for comment.

Negotiations continued on soybean and ethanol purchases, Censky said.

"We still have a long way to go," Censky said.

Ethanol exports last year reached almost 115,000 b/d from January to November, the most recent period of Energy Information Administration (EIA) data available. It was a 32pc increase from the same period of 2017 and the highest volume of exports in eight years of EIA data.

But the industry was confident that trade battles that have helped to slash commodity prices reduced those exports, especially to China.


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Oman's Duqm refinery on track to run above capacity

Oman's Duqm refinery on track to run above capacity

Dubai, 3 July (Argus) — Oman's 230,000 b/d Duqm refinery is looking to operate at 10pc above nameplate capacity and is considering diversifying its product portfolio, according to its operator. Omani-Kuwaiti joint venture OQ8's chief executive David Bird told Argus the capacity expansion would be pursued in the near term, with some already opening up in coking and hydrocracker units. The 10pc crude capacity increase is "my COO's [key performance indicator] for this year and I think we all have very high confidence that we'll be able to sweat the assets further," Bird said. "We may even look at intermediate feedstocks and bring in VGOs and residues in order to load up these two conversion units." The $9bn refinery, which hit capacity in February, uses feedstock comprised of 65pc Kuwaiti crude and 35pc Omani crude. Bird said Duqm may add new products to its existing, middle distillates-focused, output of jet fuel, gasoil, naphtha and LPG. "We are looking at structuring, doing something with naphtha," he said. "We are evaluating either reformate or gasoline, which have already gone through feasibility and are now under stage-gate review to decide if we should pursue those investment decisions." Bird also pointed to possibilities in base oils, which he said will be needed "as long as things are moving." "The Middle East has a unique opportunity to capitalize on Group I and Group III base oils," he said, noting Duqm's proximity to growing demand markets in Africa. "If Duqm was to look at expanding capacity, which definitely would still be in middle-distillate oriented space, we would talk about another hydrocracker that might be orientated towards base oil," Bird said. Oman is also developing a petrochemical complex with Saudi Arabia's Sabic and Kuwaiti state-owned KPI, which will use some of the Duqm refinery's production as feedstock. Feasibility for the project has concluded and has been "intimately evaluated" along with a naphtha upgrade, and Bird described them as "very complimentary." Close eye on Europe Bird said that while there is a "huge thirst of our products right at our doorstep", Duqm cargoes are finding their way to destinations that were not previously envisaged. Around 45pc of Duqm's diesel goes to east Africa, but loadings for Europe have begun more recently. Duqm can make European grade winter-specification diesel and is on track to capitalise on demand during the switch from summer grade this year. "When it comes to winter-spec diesel, if the arbitrage opens we can supply that competitively versus anyone else," Bird said. "So we always have an eye on Europe but we're also going to make sure that we are active in markets that are closer to home." By Rithika Krishna Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Venezuela's Maduro open to talks with the US


Venezuela's Maduro open to talks with the US

Caracas, 2 July (Argus) — Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro plans to talk with US envoys on Wednesday to discuss allowing the South American country to increase oil exports in exchange for free and fair elections, he said late on Monday. But Maduro's call for dialogue comes less than a month before the 28 July election in which polls show him up to 40 percentage points behind his main challenger. It is also after the US rescinded a six-month reprieve on sanctions in April, accusing Venezuela of violating a commitment to hold a fair vote. Maduro said that the US had sought dialogue with him "for two months in a row", and, "after thinking about it, I have accepted". The head of the pro-Maduro assembly elected in 2020, Jorge Rodriguez, will represent him in the talks, Maduro said. The US State Department declined to directly confirm Maduro's statement but said that the US welcomed "dialogue in good faith, and we support the Venezuelan people's desire for competitive and inclusive elections on July 28." The US ties sanctions relief to Maduro's observing the 2023 Barbados agreement with the Venezuelan opposition, which promised to hold a competitive presidential election. The US in April reimposed sanctions against Venezuela because the Maduro government did not allow the main opposition contender, Maria Corina Machado, to run for president. Former Venezuelan diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez is the sole presidential candidate representing the opposition Unitary Platform. "We are clear-eyed that democratic change will not be easy, and certainly requires a serious commitment," the US State Department said. "This is something that we will continue to focus on when we will engage in dialogue with with a broad range of Venezuelan actors." Venezuela in recent weeks has barred an additional 10 city mayors from running for office for 15 years after they expressed support for Gonzalez, according to the CNE electoral authority and the comptroller general's office. During the first six months of 2024 Maduro has arrested 39 people connected to Gonzalez's campaign, the last one as recently as 30 June, a campaign source told Argus, using figures from Venezuelan non-governmental organizations. Police over the weekend also detained Machado for several hours while leaving a rally for Gonzalez. Venezuela's oil output increased by around 4pc in May to 911,700 b/d from 878,000 b/d in April as drilling campaigns showed results after three months of flat production, according to the oil ministry. But US sanctions are expected to keep a cap on much additional growth. By Carlos Camacho Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


UK bitumen production at highest since July 2021


UK bitumen production at highest since July 2021

London, 2 July (Argus) — UK bitumen production in April hit its highest in nearly three years even though there is only one remaining bitumen-producing refinery in the country, in Eastham. The UK government's latest provisional data showed production at 68,000t in April, up by 7pc compared with the same month last year. Bitumen production declined overall last year by 147,000t on the year to just 373,000t, the lowest since records began in 1995, after UK energy company Prax Group ceased all bitumen production at its Lindsey refinery in the northeast of England in early 2023. In January-April this year, the UK produced 77,000t of bitumen, a decrease of 10,000t from the same period last year. UK consumption in April was at 122,000t, up 7,000t since the other refineries in the UK closed by April 2023. With the UK's general election taking place on 4 July, parties have made promises which could support bitumen consumption. The UK government this year committed £8.3bn ($10.52bn) to fill potholes and resurface roads by 2034, and the UK opposition party Labour last month pledged to keep this plan in place if elected while additionally funding councils £320m over five year by deferring the planned A27 Arundel bypass works in Sussex. Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) in March 2024 published a report stating that the total number of potholes filled in 2022 was 1.4mn, down from 1.7mn in 2021 and the equivalent of one every 22 seconds. Spending on pothole repairs fell to £93.7mn last year from £107.4mn in 2021. By Fenella Rhodes Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Prompt European gasoline forward curve in contango


Prompt European gasoline forward curve in contango

London, 2 July (Argus) — Prompt Eurobob gasoline time spreads have entered a contango structure — where prompt values are at a discount to forward prices — signalling the weakest structure for the time of year since the pandemic year of 2020. July Eurobob swaps were at a 75¢/t discount to August swaps at the close on 1 July. The spread had been in a relatively shallow backwardation — when prompt prices are at a premium to later dates — in recent sessions, although it has been narrowing steadily from $6.50/t on 1 June. It is uncommon for the forward structure to be in contango at this time of year. In the corresponding session last year the July swap was at a $19/t premium to the August swap, and since 2009 the current scenario has occurred only twice — in 2020 when much of Europe was under Covid-19 lockdown measures, and in 2016 when the front of the curve was pressured by high European inventories and high US supply. The contango structure reached $5.50/t on both occasions. The recent move builds on weakness exhibited last month , when the front of the forward curve between June and July moved into contango, a structure which was maintained through the rest of June. Demand for gasoline has failed to meet traders' expectations this European summer. Stock levels have been robust, particularly in the US where high refinery utilisation rates have boosted supply and stifled the requirement for European product. This was shown in gasoline crack spreads to North Sea Dated crude in June , which moved sharply lower — counter-seasonally — to an average of $14.87/bl, $5.83/bl lower than in May and down by $9.68/bl compared with year ago. There are already signs of this reversing however. In early trading today the front of the forward curve strengthened, with July marked at parity to August, according to brokers. Discounts in the spot barge market at the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) hub have narrowed relative to August Eurobob swaps today, indicating firmer demand, with participants saying there is a more workable transatlantic arbitrage. By Jonah Sweeney Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


US Supreme Court ends 'deference' to regulators


US Supreme Court ends 'deference' to regulators

Washington, 28 June (Argus) — The US Supreme Court's conservative majority, in one of its most significant rulings in years, has thrown out a landmark, 40-year-old precedent under which courts have offered federal agencies significant leeway in deciding how to regulate the energy sector and other industries. In a 6-3 ruling that marks a major blow to President Joe Biden's administration, the court's conservatives overturned its 1984 ruling Chevron v. NRDC that for decades has served as a cornerstone for how judges should review the legality of federal regulations when a statute is not clear. But chief justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, said experience has shown the precedent is "unworkable" and became an "impediment, rather than an aid" for courts to analyze what a specific law requires. "All that remains of Chevron is a decaying husk with bold pretensions," the opinion said. For decades, under what is now known as Chevron deference, courts were first required to review if a law was clear and if not, to defer to an agency's interpretation so long as the government's reading was reasonable. But the court's majority said the landmark precedent has become a source of unpredictability, allowing any ambiguity in a law to be a "license authorizing an agency to change positions as much as it likes." Roberts wrote that the federal courts can no longer defer to an agency's interpretation "simply because" a law is ambiguous. "Chevron is overruled," Roberts writes. "Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority." The court's ruling, named Loper Bright Enterprises v. Gina Raimando, focuses on lawsuits from herring fishers who opposed a rule that could require them to pay about $710 per day for an at-sea observer to verify compliance with regional catch limits. The US Commerce Department said it believes it interpreted the law correctly, but the fishers said the "best interpretation" of the statute was that it did not apply to herring fishers. The court's three liberal justices dissented from the ruling, which they said will likely result in "large-scale disruptions" by putting federal judges in the position of having to rule on the merits of a variety of scientific and technical judgments, without the benefit of expertise that regulators have developed over the course of decades. Overturning Chevron will put courts "at the apex" of policy decisions on every conceivable topic, including climate change, health care, finance, transportation, artificial intelligence and other issues where courts lack specific expertise, judge Elena Kagan wrote. "In every sphere of current or future federal regulations, expect courts from now on to play a commanding role," Kagan wrote. The Supreme Court for years has been chipping away at the importance of Chevron deference, such as a 2022 ruling where it created the "major questions doctrine" to invalidate a greenhouse gas emission rule limits for power plants. That doctrine attempts to prohibit agencies from resolving issues that have "vast economic and political significance" without clear direction from the US Congress. That has led regulators to be hesitant in relying on Chevron to defend their regulations in court. The Supreme Court last cited the precedent in 2016. The ruling comes a day after the Supreme Court's conservatives, in another 6-3 ruling , dramatically curtailed the ability of the US Securities and Exchange Commission — and likely many other federal agencies — to use in-house tribunals to impose civil penalties. The court ruled those enforcement cases instead need to be filed as jury trials. That change is expected to curtail enforcement of securities fraud, since court cases are more resource-intensive. By Chris Knight Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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