Training and support
Customer success
Our global team is dedicated to ensuring you have the precise knowledge and understanding to get the maximum value from the datasets, tools, models and written commentary that we deliver.
We proactively help hundreds of customers each week across every part of the energy and commodities supply chain. From onboarding and set-up to platform training and in-depth demonstrations, our customer success team constantly unlocks additional value for our clients.
Our goal is to help your business be successful. We will help you understand the vast amount of Argus data being published daily, by identifying price codes and the correlations between them and connecting you with the extensive team of market experts across Argus for deeper collaboration. We are here to ensure you find the solutions to the challenges you face.

We are ready and waiting to provide technical support, with our customer service specialists located in all time zones If you have not received your usual emailed report, are struggling to amend your news preferences, having problems logging into Argus Direct, or have any other query, please get in touch with us support@argusmedia.com
contact usFrequently asked questions
Here are some of the most common questions that we regularly receive. If you still can’t find what you are looking for, please email us at support@argusmedia.com.
Argus Direct tutorial videos