
The Argus Data Science Studio is a powerful modelling tool designed to support your analytics, trading, hedging and risk management decisions. Using the latest machine learning technology for probabilistic forecasting and location-based trading data, the studio integrates physical and financial commodity prices. The machine learning models that power the studio are inherently explainable and fully customisable, enabling you to unearth unique solutions and greater insights faster.

Key features and functionality


Unique machine learning methodology

Our powerful machine learning algorithms combined with the deep expertise of our data science team mean the studio is a tool like no other.


Build your own probabilistic forecasts

Select any price and build a model based on your preferred drivers and relations to give you a unique forecast.


Scenario testing

Ask what will happen to your forecasts if a certain scenario happens, you can change the drivers and see the impact to the shape of the price curve.


Full customisable models

Create your own experiments by taking existing in-house models that we have developed and changing the structure to run unique scenarios.


Incorporate your own domain knowledge

Upload your own data, alongside any proprietary Argus data, to ensure your unique domain knowledge is fully represented in the models you create.


Argus universe of drivers

The system provides access to a rich universe of macroeconomic and financial drivers, selected for their relevance to energy and commodity markets.

How will the Argus Data Science Studio help you?

If you are involved in building commodity trading or hedging strategies, then understanding the direction of prices is crucial to your success. Whether you are a quant strategist, data scientist or a trader, forecasting prices is the goal. But this is impossible to do with any degree of accuracy. So financial institutions, trading houses and physical buyers and sellers around the world are using the Argus Data Science Studio to reveal the uncertainties and volatility associated with the commodity prices they depend upon.
  • Identify market risks

    Run scenarios unique to your business in order to identify the ‘what ifs’ that you were previously unaware of.

  • Build a more complete view

    By incorporating market fundamentals and pricing insight into your decision-making you will have a complete view of the environment you operate in.

  • Gain key insights on possible future energy prices

    Model probabilistic forecasts for the markets that matter most to you, in order to estimate volatility and the balance of risk.

  • Robust scenario analysis and stress testing

    Be prepared to better handle extreme market events that are occurring more frequently in the current economic environment.

  • Generate new trading ideas

    Through the directional and volatility signals produced using the Argus Data Science Studio you can identify new trading opportunities.

  • We offer a flexible platform

    Use our studio to develop and expanding your data science capabilities, that would otherwise cost you millions of dollars and many years to develop internally.

Argus Forward Curves

Support investment and trading decisions with powerful, independent market valuation data for energy and commodity markets across the globe.

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Argus Data Science Studio - Possibility Curves

Argus Possibility Curves

Argus Possibility Curves is a probabilistic forecasting data service for major crude grades and key refined oil products.

Produced by combining the latest data science and machine learning techniques with Argus’ proprietary pricing database, the Argus Possibility Curves is the only way to confidently estimate volatility and balance of risk associated to oil prices.

Learn more

A pioneering platform, built by industry experts

Argus’ industry-leading team of data scientists are dedicated to delivering a tool that meets your needs when searching for hidden insights. With a heritage stretching back more than 50 years, Argus is the only commodity information provider with the expertise, proprietary data and market credibility to offer sophisticated data science capabilities. The thoroughness, quality assurance and robust processes that are required to build and maintain a data science tool of this kind are unrivalled.

The unique combination of customisation and data assimilation, make the Argus Data Science Studio the perfect tool to support your business. Our model is entirely transparent, enabling you to get hands on and set it up in line with your own views and opinions. Our is goal to help you to find the answers to the questions that matter most to your business.


Argus Data Science Studio - Quote


"We have built the Studio to make it easier and faster to use data science for commodity insights, while still maintaining expert levels of accuracy, speed, and transparency"

  Vlasios Voudouris Chief Data Officer