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EU green hydrogen uncompetitive into 2030s: Aurora

  • Market: Biofuels, Electricity
  • 26/01/21

Consultancy Aurora Energy Research expects blue hydrogen and imported green hydrogen to be cheaper than domestically produced green hydrogen in Europe in the medium term, according to a report released today.

European hydrogen demand could increase eight-fold by 2050, as countries work toward net zero, Aurora said. Hydrogen consumption rises to 2,500TWh by 2050 in a high-use scenario, where heating switches to hydrogen. By comparison, the European power system is currently around 3,000-3,3200TWh, Aurora said.

The cheapest source of low-carbon hydrogen by 2030 would be blue hydrogen produced in the Netherlands or Norway, followed by imported green hydrogen from Morocco. Aurora defines blue hydrogen as made from natural gas but combined with carbon capture and storage, and green hydrogen as made from water and electricity using electrolysis.

Green hydrogen from Morocco will be cheaper because power prices are much lower. A large rollout of solar is depressing power prices in Morocco, although it is still building coal-fired capacity. As a result, such green hydrogen may be more carbon intensive than blue hydrogen. This problem will also exist in European countries slow to decarbonise, for example in Germany, which still has a high share of coal and lignite in its power generation mix, Aurora said.

Aurora sees levelised costs of green hydrogen at €91-121/MWh for electrolyser plants built in 2025.

The lower end comes from flexible projects that can optimise production according to power prices. The optimal load factor for such projects would be around 50pc. If the load factor gets too high, it would be running during times of higher power prices, while if it falls too low, the capex costs per MWh produced would rise, Aurora said.

In Britain and Spain, hydrogen from flexible electrolysers will be cheaper than blue hydrogen by the late 2030s. It becomes cheaper in France by the early 2040s, and in Germany by the mid 2040s, Aurora's modelling shows.

Electrolysers co-located with renewable capacity will have higher costs than flexible or inflexible assets using power from the grid. This is primarily because low load factors increase capex — an electrolyser co-located with solar in Spain would have a load factor of just 22pc. Such a plant would still be cheaper than an inflexible asset using grid power in Spain in the 2030s, but will always remain more expensive than a flexible asset, the report said.


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Low Argentina rivers lift Brazil biodiesel

Low Argentina rivers lift Brazil biodiesel

Sao Paulo, 26 September (Argus) — A drop in river levels in Argentina's Parana upriver region amid a historical drought has snarled transport and inflated soybean oil and biodiesel prices in Brazil. The depth of the Parana River in Argentina's San Lorenzo city, a major hub for soybean oil shipments, dropped to 9.44m (30ft) on 20 September, the lowest level since January 2023, according to information provided by maritime agencies T&T and Antares. The lower river flow is forcing soybean oil traders to reduce how much product they load onto tankers that stop at Argentinian ports by between 5-12.5pc, according to Argentina market sources. A 12.5pc capacity reduction on a standard tanker would mean a loading 28,000 metric tonnes (t) instead of 32,000t. These restrictions have affected the Brazilian soybean oil and biodiesel market, as trading companies seek additional volumes in Brazilian seaports to complete shipments for export. A change in Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) differentials at the port of Paranagua was first observed on 27 September, when the premium for selling soybean oil for shipment in October rose to 8¢/lb in relation to the future contract traded on the CBOT. Earlier in the week, offers were close to 1.8¢/lb. On 25 September, negotiations ranged between premiums of 2.5-5.5¢/lb in relation to the soybean oil future contract due in October, corresponding to prices between $1,034-1,100/t fob Paranagua. Last week, the Argus fob Paranagua indicator closed between $934-1,009/t. Soybean availability in the Brazilian market is reduced amid strong demand in the domestic market, driven by an increase in the biodiesel blending mandate to 14pc from 12pc in March. The rise in domestic demand has also reduced the competitiveness of Brazilian exports, contributing to a drop in soybean oil shipments to ports. Brazil's association of vegetable oil industries Abiove predicts that 2024 exports will total 1.15mn t, nearly half of the volumes dispatched in 2023. Lever effect The low availability of soybean oil in the Brazilian market was concerning market participants even before the deterioration of the situation in Argentina. The price of soybean oil for export is the main factor in the price equation for most supply contracts between biodiesel producers and distributors. Logistics problems associated with a lower Parana River contribute to the imbalance between increased demand for soybean oil in the biodiesel sector and a shortage of product in the market. Soybean oil is the main input for biodiesel production in Brazil, accounting for 72.5pc of all feedstocks used in national production in the first eight months of 2024, according to data from hydrocarbons regulator ANP. And rising soybean oil prices tend to boost prices of other raw materials, such as beef tallow, which represented 6.5pc of biodiesel inputs in the same period. Faced with the rising cost of inputs, Brazilian biodiesel plants have been prioritizing the delivery of volumes contracted for the September-October supply period and the delivery of overdue volumes for the previous bi-monthly period. That has limited the availability of spot market volumes. This sudden rise in the price of soybean oil in Paranagua has also reduced the domestic market premium in relation to the export market. This makes it more attractive for regional producers to sell product abroad. By Amance Boutin and Joao Marinho Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Aug wildfires in Brazilian state surge eightfold


Aug wildfires in Brazilian state surge eightfold

Sao Paulo, 26 September (Argus) — Fires in Sao Paulo, Brazil's most populous state, increased eightfold in August from the same month last year, an "alarming rate" amid extreme climate conditions that harm the sugarcane industry, sector associations said. The state had 11,628 fire outbreaks last month, more than triple the historic average of 3,550. Nearly half of the fires took place on 23 August alone, according to data from industry association Canaoeste and fire monitoring network GMG Ambiental. Fires hit 658,600 hectares. The town of Pitangueira had the most blazes, at 354. Altinopolis and Sertaozinho came in second and third, with 252 and 296, respectively. Nearly all of the most affected towns have high production of sugarcane. The groups highlighted that 20-24 August fires happened as low humidity, high temperatures and strong winds put Sao Paulo in "extreme risk" for wildfires. The data was shown in a meeting with several industry representatives, such as Canoeste, Unica and Orplana. The groups added that sugarcane producers were not responsible for the fires nor were benefiting from them, defending themselves from accusations that they could be lighting fires to accelerate harvesting — an old common practice supposedly abolished. By Maria Ligia Barros Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Vertex Energy files for bankruptcy, seeks sale


Vertex Energy files for bankruptcy, seeks sale

Houston, 25 September (Argus) — Specialty refiner Vertex Energy has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in a US court following a failed foray into renewable fuels production at its 88,000 b/d Mobile, Alabama, refinery. Vertex has entered into a restructuring support agreement with its lenders and secured $80mn of new funding to finance its day-to-day business operations, the company said late Tuesday. The refiner is also considering a "more value-maximizing sale transaction" and expects to confirm its chapter 11 bankruptcy plan by the end of the year, according to the 24 September press release. Vertex announced in May this year that it would "pause" renewable diesel production at its Alabama refinery and return the unit to producing fossil fuel products. The company later said it would use a third quarter turnaround to return the Alabama plant's converted hydrocracking unit to processing fossil fuel feedstocks and be back online in the fourth quarter. Vertex also operates a re-refinery near New Orleans, Louisiana, that produces low-sulfur vacuum gas oil (VGO) and multiple used motor oil (UMO) processing plants and collection facilities along the Gulf coast. Refiners have faced mixed fortunes in recent years with their investments in renewable fuels after a glut of new supply flooded markets and depressed renewable credit prices. US independent refiner Delek announced in August that it is temporarily idling three biodiesel plants in Texas, Arkansas and Mississippi as it explores alternative uses for the sites. Chevron said earlier this year it was indefinitely closing two biodiesel plants in Wisconsin and Iowa due to market conditions. By Nathan Risser Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


EU crushing up in August on rapeseed, US soy harvest


EU crushing up in August on rapeseed, US soy harvest

London, 25 September (Argus) — EU and UK mills crushed more soybeans and rapeseed in August compared with the previous month and a year earlier, as inclement weather caused earlier harvests this year in Europe, increasing EU supplies. But total refined oil production levels were unchanged on the month. Fewer sunflower seeds (SFS) were crushed in August than in July, as high SFS prices lowered margins for crushers. Total oilseed crush levels increased on the month by 7pc to 3.5mn t in August, led by greater volumes of crushed soybeans and rapeseed, which increased by 6pc and 13pc, respectively. The UK and EU imported 135,000t less oilseeds on the month in August as the European harvest began, resulting in about 1.35mn t of imports in total. Production of semi-refined oil — typically used in the biodiesel sector — increased by 7pc on the month. But fully-refined oil — typically for the food sector — fell by 4pc, leaving total refined oil production virtually unchanged on the month. Rapeseed crushing rose by 13pc on the month in August and by 5pc on the year, as Ukraine, the UK and the EU began harvesting their 2024-25 harvests 3-4 weeks earlier than usual, given the crop's earlier flowering and ripening with unfavourable weather conditions. Soybean crushing continued to increase in August. But the share of soybeans in total oilseed imports has fallen — from 78.5pc in July to 71pc in August. The EU and the UK imported 200,000 fewer tonnes of soybeans in August than in July — or about 960,500t of soybeans in total. SFS crushing fell by 14pc in August to 0.4mn t on high SFS prices and limited stocks in the EU and Ukraine, as new-crop SFS arrivals — for the 2024-25 marketing year — do not start before this month. Nevertheless, SFS crushing increased by 17pc across the first seven months of this year on the back of greater EU crushing capacity. The strongest seed crushing growth expected by the USDA is in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, and to a lesser extent in Germany and Italy. By Madeleine Jenkins EU + UK crushing volumes mn t Aug-24 Jul-24 m-o-m change Aug-23 y-o-y change Jan-Aug 24 Jan-Aug 23 y-o-y change Soybean 1.21 1.14 6% 1.15 5% 9.5 9.6 -1% Sunflower seed 0.39 0.45 -14% 0.37 5% 4.0 3.4 17% Rapeseed 1.88 1.67 13% 1.72 9% 13.3 12.6 5% Semi-refined 0.35 0.33 7% 0.34 3% 2.7 2.6 5% Fully-refined 0.60 0.62 -4% 0.57 4% 4.9 4.5 8% Total Total oilseed 3.48 3.25 7% 3.24 7% 26.8 25.6 5% Total refined 0.95 0.95 0% 0.91 4% 7.5 7.0 7% Fediol Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Leaders call for fast-tracking renewable projects


Leaders call for fast-tracking renewable projects

New York, 24 September (Argus) — Countries need to fast track permitting processes for renewable projects and build more transmission infrastructure to meet the goal of tripling global renewable capacity by 2030, leaders said at the Global Renewables summit today. At the UN's Cop 28 climate summit in Dubai last year, countries agreed to take action to triple global renewable energy capacity from 2022 levels by 2030 and to double energy efficiency. Almost a year later, there are major barriers that are impeding investment needed to boost a faster expansion of renewables. "We must double down on implementation," European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said at the event in New York, New York. Permitting has become a major barrier for developers to build their renewable and transmissions projects within the timeframes originally set, leading to delays and rising costs. This is turn creates uncertainty for investors interested in providing funds for the development of projects and expecting returns, speakers said. Countries' nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse emissions not only need to show their renewable capacity targets but also their electricity grid goals that allow the flow of renewable electricity and accelerate the growth of renewable capacity, Cop 28's president Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber said. Sorting out these bottlenecks with the proper regulations and policies will create certainty for investors and attract more project financing, leaders agreed. This year's Cop 29 will focus on speeding the delivery of goals set at Cop 28 as well as expanding and adding new solutions for the integration of renewables. Cop 29 president-designate from Azerbaijan Mukhtar Babayev said that they hope countries back a pledge to increase global energy storage capacity to 1.5GW by 2030 and to add or refurbish more than 80mn km (49mn miles) of electricity grids by 2040. By Jacqueline Echevarria Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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