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Investida das montadoras não deve salvar setor do aço

  • Market: Metals
  • 14/03/24

É pouco provável que os novos investimentos anunciados por fabricantes de automóveis no Brasil proporcione um grande impulso ao setor siderúrgico do país, que está paralelamente pressionado pelo aumento das importações.

Desde o início deste ano, as principais montadoras anunciaram bilhões de dólares em investimentos para aumentar a produção e impulsionar operações mais verdes.

O Brasil importou 1,6 milhão de toneladas (t) de aço destinado ao uso automotivo em 2023, um aumento de 4,6pc em comparação com 2022, de acordo com o Instituto Aço Brasil. Espera-se que as importações totais de aço aumentem mais 20pc em 2024, enquanto o consumo aparente deverá crescer apenas 1pc, disse o instituto.

O ligeiro aumento no consumo projetado ocorre mesmo com as montadoras General Motors (GM), Volkswagen, Hyundai e Toyota anunciando investimentos no país. A Stellantis também disse neste mês que planeja investir US$6 bilhões no Brasil e lançar 40 novos modelos de veículos até 2030.

A montadora chinesa BYD também iniciou este mês a fabricação de veículos elétricos (EV) no Brasil, afirmando que planeja produzir 150.000 veículos anualmente até o final deste ano, fazendo do país seu centro de exportação de EV na América do Sul.

As projeções da associação siderúrgica de aumento das importações em detrimento da produção doméstica reforçam comentários recentes de produtores e analistas de aço.

As exportações totais de aço da China em 2023 aumentaram 36pc, para 90,3 milhões de t. Participantes de mercado esperam que as exportações de aço se mantenham num nível relativamente elevado em 2024, uma vez que a procura local da China permanecerá fraca, pressionada por uma lenta recuperação na sua indústria imobiliária — o maior setor consumidor de aço do país.

O Brasil importou 2,9 milhões de t de aço da China em 2023, um aumento de 62pc em comparação com 2022, segundo a Aço Brasil.

"[A China] não é considerada uma economia de mercado", a associação siderúrgica latino-americana Alacero disse à Argus. "Isso lhes permite inundar o mundo com produtos siderúrgicos e derivados a preços muito baixos".

As montadoras não responderam aos pedidos de comentários sobre se preferem aço importado ou nacional para produção, mas a associação brasileira de veículos Anfavea disse à Argus que o preço do aço tem impacto direto no custo de fabricação de veículos e de máquinas autopropulsadas.

As montadoras ainda podem preferir aço local mais caro, já que tendem a priorizar a entrega no prazo devido ao perfil de produção e aos estoques just-in-time, disse à Argus a analista sênior da Moody's Investor Service, Carolina Chimenti.

"Se houver um grande aumento na produção automotiva (tanto de leves como de pesados, e também na produção de máquinas e equipamentos agrícolas, por exemplo), isso tende a aumentar a produção de aço também", completou.

Alguns produtores locais estão otimistas de que os fabricantes comprarão aço nacional. Uma fonte disse à Argus que "qualquer movimento" em direção à industrialização é positivo para o setor, que vem perdendo sua participação no crescimento do país ao longo dos anos.

A perda de estoque por oxidação ou qualidade inferior e a falta de especificidade para o setor automobilístico também foram citadas como aspectos negativos para o aço importado. Mas os preços voltariam a ser fundamentais.

O aço importado da China está tão mais barato que o aço nacional que a indústria prefere correr o risco de parte do volume loteado vir com alguns dos problemas mencionados acima e ser descartado, disse Igor Guedes, analista de metais da Genial Investimentos.

Impacto sobre o ferro-gusa

Qualquer aumento notável na procura por aço nacional também poderá afetar as exportações de matérias-primas siderúrgicas, como o ferro-gusa.

O ferro-gusa é uma matéria-prima essencial para as usinas baseadas em fornos elétricos dos Estados Unidos, que constituem a maior parte da sua capacidade total de produção de aço.

Os EUA importaram mais de 2,7 milhões de toneladas de ferro-gusa do Brasil em 2023, representando mais de 75pc do total das importações dos EUA durante o ano, de acordo com dados governamentais.

A dependência do ferro-gusa brasileiro cresceu devido às interrupções na cadeia de abastecimento causadas pela guerra entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia e poderá aumentar a pressão sobre os preços do material.

A Argus precificou o ferro-gusa pela última vez em US$430/t FOB sul em 7 de março.

Não está claro se os produtores locais do ferro-gusa prefeririam as vendas no mercado interno, uma vez que alguns fabricantes citaram benefícios fiscais de exportação, por exemplo, compensando os ganhos no mercado interno.

"Os compradores brasileiros pagam muito pouco pelo ferro-gusa nacional", disse uma fonte.


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BHP posts higher nickel output after disruptions

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Rio Tinto to boost 2H Australian iron ore shipments


Rio Tinto to boost 2H Australian iron ore shipments

Sydney, 16 July (Argus) — UK-Australian mining firm Rio Tinto must ship at least 165mn t of iron ore from Western Australia (WA) during July-December, after a derailment disrupted exports in April-June, cutting first half sales to 158mn t. The firm maintained its WA iron ore shipments guidance of 323mn-338mn t for 2024 on a 100pc basis, despite losing six days of port deliveries because of a derailment in May. It shipped 80.3mn t of iron ore from WA on a 100pc basis during April-June, up from 78mn t for January-March , when cyclone-season weather disrupted exports. It was also up by 2pc from April-June 2023, as productivity gains offset ore depletion. The target of 165mn-180mn t for July-December is achievable for Rio Tinto, which often boosts shipments in the second half of a calendar and its financial year. It shipped 170.7mn t during July-December 2023 and 161.7mn t for January-June 2023, for a total of 332mn t in 2023. Low-grade SP10 iron ore made up 17pc of its WA sales during January-June, up from 14pc through 2023, 11pc in 2022 and zero in 2015. The firm warned that SP10 levels are expected to remain elevated until new mining projects are delivered, which is subject to approvals and heritage clearance. The proportion of the high-grade Pilbara Blend fell to 58pc for January-June from 61pc through 2023, 64pc in 2022 and 73pc in 2015. Rio Tinto is developing higher grade deposits, such as its 40mn t/yr Rhodes Ridge project, to try to reverse the grade decline in WA. The firm maintained its 2024 cash cost guidance for WA iron ore at $21.75-23.50, while warning this would be the top end of this for January-June because of the lower volumes sold. It achieved an average price of $97.30/wet metric tonne (wmt) fob WA in January-July, down from $98.60/wmt in the same period last year. The equivalent price for January-June 2024 at an 8pc moisture assumption is $105.80/dry metric tonne (dmt) fob WA. The Argus ICX price for 62pc Fe fines averaged $117.33/dmt cfr Qingdao in January-June, down from $118/dmt in the same period last year. The Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) — in which Rio Tinto owns 59pc — sold 8.65mn t in January-June, up 7pc on the same period last year. It is expected to raise production during July-December with better seasonal conditions to produce as much as 19.5mn t in 2024. By Jo Clarke Rio Tinto iron ore shipments (mn t) Apr-Jun '24 Jan-Mar '24 Apr-Jun '23 Jan-Jun '24 Jan-Jun '23 Pilbara Blend Lump 15.83 15.63 17.76 31.47 36.49 Pilbara Blend Fines 31.34 28.48 33.67 59.81 69.02 Robe Valley Lump 2.52 2.31 2.17 4.83 4.16 Robe Valley Fines 5.84 5.55 4.70 11.39 8.96 Yandicoogina Fines (HIY) 11.36 12.23 12.56 23.59 26.25 SP10 Lump 5.14 4.61 1.65 9.75 3.34 SP10 Fines 8.28 9.22 6.61 17.50 13.45 Total WA iron ore shipments 80.31 78.03 79.12 158.34 161.66 IOC iron ore shipments 4.13 4.52 4.43 8.65 8.05 Source: Rio Tinto Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Cliffs to buy Canadian steelmaker Stelco


Cliffs to buy Canadian steelmaker Stelco

Houston, 15 July (Argus) — US integrated steelmaker Cleveland-Cliffs will acquire Canadian integrated steelmaker Stelco in a cash and stock deal. The acquisition of Stelco, an independent steelmaker in Hamilton, Ontario, was announced by both companies this morning. Stelco shareholders will receive C$60/share ($44/share) of Stelco common stock and 0.454 shares of Cliffs common stock, or $C10/share of Stelco common stock. The transaction is valued at C$3.4bn ($2.5bn) and the deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to a news release. Stelco will maintain its headquarters in Hamilton, and capital investments of at least C$60mn will be made over the next three years. Stelco will aim to increase production from current levels and will operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary. In its news release, Cliffs said the purchase of Stelco will double Cliffs' exposure to the flat-rolled spot market, adding that Stelco's primary customer base is service centers buying hot-rolled coil (HRC) products. Stelco shipped 636,000 short tons (st) of steel products in the first quarter, of which 74pc was HRC, according to a quarterly report. Cliffs already operates seven tooling and stamping plants in Canada and a scrap yard run by its Ferrous Processing and Trading Company (FPT), all located in Ontario, according to the company. The head of the United Steelworkers (USW) union, David McCall, is said to support the transaction. Cliffs' move to buy Stelco comes nearly a year after Cliffs began its failed bid to purchase steelmaking competitor US Steel. Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel is now in the midst of negotiating the $15bn purchase of US Steel, a deal that has been the subject of public political hand wringing and open dispute among the executives of Cleveland-Cliffs, US Steel, Nippon Steel and the USW. By Rye Druzin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Vietnam’s Vinfast cuts EV sales goal, delays US plant


Vietnam’s Vinfast cuts EV sales goal, delays US plant

Singapore, 15 July (Argus) — Vietnam-based electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Vinfast Auto has lowered its 2024 EV delivery goal and delayed its North Carolina EV plant's first production by three years, because of economic headwinds. "We have adopted a more prudent outlook that is carefully calibrated to near-term headwinds, taking into full consideration the realities of market volatility and potential challenges," said the chairwoman of Vinfast's board of directors Le Thi Thu Thuy on 12 June. Vinfast now expects to deliver 80,000 EVs in 2024, down from the 100,000 units it set earlier this year and having missed its delivery goal of 40,000-50,000 last year. Vinfast delivered 21,747 EVs in January-June, almost doubling on the year, according to the company. Its EV sales over April-June stood at 12,058 units, up by 24pc on the quarter and 26pc on the year. It started building a $2bn EV factory in US North Carolina's Chatham county last year, with output scheduled to begin in 2025 . But the firm has now made the "strategic decision" to push it back to 2028, Vinfast said. VinFast earlier this year said that it would invest $2bn in south India's Tamil Nadu state to develop its EV sector, including building an EV plant that can produce 150,000 units/yr. The plant will be "opened" in the first half of 2025, said Vingroup's chairman Pham Nhat Vuong last month, adding that India will be Vinfast's biggest Asia market. The global battery and EV sectors have been facing various economic and geopolitical headwinds. This includes persistently elevated interest rates that are curbing consumer spending, and rising geopolitical market barriers starting with the US and EU's tariffs on Chinese EVs, as well as Canada looking into potential punitive duties on Chinese EVs. By Joseph Ho Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Germany's Aurubis copper smelter back from maintenance


Germany's Aurubis copper smelter back from maintenance

London, 12 July (Argus) — Germany's Aurubis today announced that its Hamburg copper smelter returned to service on 11 July from the largest maintenance shutdown in the company's history that began 7 May. A restart is now under way following the €95mn 60-day maintenance that included an overhaul of the flash smelter, installation of heat exchangers in the contact acid plant, as well as the installation of a tap hold drill and tamping machine for improved safety of copper slag tapping. Hydrogen-ready anode furnaces were also installed as measures to improve sustainability. Investments in automation are set to improve efficiency and extend the frequency of planned maintenance rounds to three years from two. The Hamburg smelter's outage has exacerbated sulphuric acid tightness in Europe , and the operational restart is expected to provide some relief to the market. This comes in addition to the lack of availability of molten sulphur in the region, leading to shortages of sulphur burnt acid , which has prompted some consumers to replace burnt acid with smelter acid, lifting demand. Aurubis produced 1.19mn t of sulphuric acid during the first six months of the 2023-24 financial year (October-March), up by 1pc on the same period a year earlier. Output at Aurubis' Hamburg smelter rose by 11pc to 512,000t in the period, while output from the Pirdop smelter saw a 6pc decline on the period to 679,000t . For the first three months of the year, Aurubis produced 598,000t of acid, unchanged from the same quarter of 2022-23, as increased output at its Hamburg smelter offset a decline from Bulgaria's Pirdop plant. Production at Hamburg totalled 258,000t from January-March. By Maria Mosquera Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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