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Caribbean power faces long recovery from Beryl

  • Market: Electricity, Natural gas
  • 05/07/24

Power utilities in several eastern and central Caribbean countries have started repairing networks that were brought down this week by Hurricane Beryl.

Beryl — the Atlantic's first hurricane this season — hit several islands with winds of up to 225 km (140 miles)/h, and also damaged roads, bridges and ports and telecommunications infrastructure.

Many parts of Jamaica, Grenada and St Lucia remain without power, with one utility company forecasting "a long and difficult period of continuing darkness" in these countries.

Jamaican power utility JPS said yesterday 60pc of its clients — just under a half a million households — were without electricity.

"Our teams are doing damage assessment, and will complete the necessary repairs to restore power as quickly and as safely as possible," the company said.

Beryl entered the Caribbean earlier in the week, leaving extensive damage in St Vincent and the Grenadines and in Dominica.

St Vincent and the Grenadines will be without power for the next fortnight, chief executive of its power utility Vinlec Vaughn Lewis said.

"We have significant damage … and we will be working to get power to facilities such as gas stations and supermarkets."

Granada's ward island Cariacou is in an "Armageddon-like condition," prime minister Dickon Mitchell said. "The electricity and communication systems are wiped out."

Winds from Beryl hit the southern coast of the Dominican Republic on 3 July, causing blackouts from a deficit of 900MW, according to distributor Edesur.

Winds affected major natural gas-fired power plant AES Andres, reducing its regasification capacity for LNG and its fuel supplies to other natural gas plants, the government said.

Beryl left several thousand people without power in the Cayman Islands yesterday as it left Jamaica and headed for Mexico.

The Caribbean is likely to be hit by more strong hurricanes by the end of the season in November, a spokesman for Jamaica's weather office told Argus. "We have been promised a very active season with many and strong storms."

The US federal weather agency NOAA forecast that there is an 85pc chance that this year's Atlantic hurricane season will be "above normal."

The Atlantic season's first hurricane "sets an alarming precedent for what is expected to be a very active hurricane season," the World Meteorological Organization said.


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US adds 206,000 jobs in June, jobless rate ticks up

US adds 206,000 jobs in June, jobless rate ticks up

Houston, 5 July (Argus) — The US added a solid 206,000 jobs in June while job gains in the prior two months were revised downward and wage gains cooled. The job gains, which beat analyst estimates, followed downwardly revised 218,000 job gains in May and 108,000 gains in April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said today, for a combined downward revision of 111,000 for the prior two months. The US generated a monthly average of 220,000 jobs in the 12 months through May. Economists expected gains of about 190,000 in June, according to a survey by Trading Economics. The jobless rate ticked up to 4.1pc, the highest in more than two years, from 4pc. Still, the unemployment rate remains near five-decade lows. Construction added 27,000 jobs, while manufacturing lost 8,000 jobs. Gains also occurred in government, health care and social assistance. Average hourly earnings rose by 3.9pc from a year earlier, down from a 4.1pc annual gain in the prior month and the lowest in three years. Futures markets after the jobs report indicated a 71.8pc chance the Fed will cut its target rate by a quarter point from a 23-year high in September, up from 68.4pc odds on Wednesday. The Federal Reserve, after its last policy meeting in mid-June, had penciled in one likely quarter point rate cut was likely this year, paring that from a likely three cuts shown in March. Still, it also said it needs to see evidence that inflation is "sustainably" slowing towards its 2pc target before beginning to cut rates from 23-year highs. By Bob Willis Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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French power sector braces for change ahead of election


French power sector braces for change ahead of election

Paris, 4 July (Argus) — The outcome of the French parliamentary election on Sunday could bring reforms that will impact the country's power industry, causing mixed reactions among market participants. The far-right National Rally (RN) and its allies gathered 33pc of votes in the first round of the French legislative election on 30 June, placing it ahead of the coalition of left-wing parties, the New Popular Front (NFP), and the current government's Ensemble coalition. But energy agendas strongly differ across the three political groups, creating a climate of uncertainty in the French power sector, especially as those programmes were put together in a rush after Emmanuel Macron called a surprise snap election, and they will probably need some fine-tuning. Divide over the renewable line On the topic of wind farms, the RN has reiterated its proposal to halt the construction of new wind projects, which could put at risk the achievement of French renewable targets. Despite the halt of new projects, RN leader Jordan Bardella in the party's last press conference said he does not plan to "stop all variable sources of energy", adding that wind farms currently in operation would not be dismantled. He also mentioned an ambition to "recreate a French solar PV [photovoltaic] industry" and to protect it by raising tariffs on the European level. But the party did not respond to Argus on the specifics of its programme. The NFP intends to develop both offshore wind and tidal energy, and has called for a vote on an "energy and climate law". And the current government has raised solar PV targets in its updated national energy and climate plan (NECP), in addition to raising the offshore wind goal to 45GW by 2050. "The pressure on public support mechanisms for renewable development would depend on the next majority in parliament," director of power and PPA advisory at consultancy firm Greensolver, Alexandre Soroko, told Argus . "It could change the way in which renewable energy projects under development generate their revenues and finance their development. If the pressure is increased, it would probably have a bigger impact on wind projects than on solar PV ones." Other market participants told Argus they expect delays in permitting processes if RN wins the election. Parliament last year passed the "renewable acceleration law", to speed up permitting processes that are longer in France than in neighbouring countries. A boost to nuclear energy The RN plans to strengthen the French nuclear fleet with a massive investment programme, making it the pillar of the French energy mix, while NFP's position is not clear on the matter. RN aims to increase French nuclear capacity through the construction of European pressurised reactors (EPRs) paired with small modular reactors (SMRs) and fast-neutron reactors. This plan echoes Emmanuel Macron's recent pledge to build 14 EPRs of type 2 reactors by 2050, with three pairs already planned . In contrast, the topic of nuclear reactor construction has been absent from the NFP's programme as views on it diverge among participants in the union, mostly between green party Les Ecologistes, which has been traditionally against nuclear energy, and the communist faction. An exit of the European power market? Criticising the rules of the European power market has been a recurring discourse on the French political scene. Bardella said he wanted a "French power price, that corresponds to the costs of nuclear production", while far left La France Insoumise (LFI), which is part of the NFP group, opposed the EU power market design reform in April. During the Europ'Energies conference this week, energy consumers association CLEEE's president Frank Roubanovitch said he was "favourable to the idea supported by RN and LFI of ending the marginal pricing mechanism while maintaining physical interconnections". But an exit of the European market would mean a "not optimal use of transmission infrastructure", according to European Commission team leader on the internal energy market, Mathilde Lallemand. Points of convergence Nuclear power, a protection of current hydropower concessions and the conversion of coal-fired plants to biomass are topics that are found in both the RN and Ensemble agendas. Although the RN plans to invest into hydropower plants to increase their production capacity, it is strongly opposed to the introduction of competition to the hydropower concessions system. The latter was mentioned in the draft energy sovereignty proposal unveiled by the government in February, but was never introduced to parliament. The RN party also wants to phase out coal and convert coal-fired plants to biomass — an ambition announced by Emmanuel Macron for 2027 at the end of 2023 . The second round of the elections is planned for 7 July. By Tatiana Serova Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Q&A: RAG says EU lacks clear hydrogen storage rules


Q&A: RAG says EU lacks clear hydrogen storage rules

Brussels, 4 July (Argus) — RAG Energy Storage has been one of the front-runners in hydrogen storage, and established the first operational commercial underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in a depleted gas field in April 2023. Argus spoke to its managing director Georg Dorfleutner, who is calling for a clear framework. Are you OK with the EU apparently scaling back from 10mn t/yr of hydrogen imports? We base the modeling of the report for HeartforEurope more or less on 2030 projections from the RepowerEU strategy. The assumptions on our modelling to identify an investment gap for hydrogen storage were rather conservative — that the only demand would come from industry, thus a rather flat profile over the year without seasonal-shift needs yet. From our side we have multiple potential hydrogen storage projects throughout Europe, but the hydrogen market development and support regimes for infrastructure investments will define the timely realisation. How might any scaling back affect your report's projected 36 TWh H2 storage gap? Whatever happens infrastructure needs to be in place very soon. Our report really underlines the need for a clear framework for hydrogen storage. And we come with a toolbox of different possible measures to support this. Storage tariffs alone won't solve the issue of market ramp-up. Policymakers may feel relieved that the gas and hydrogen decarbonisation package was finished before the EU elections. But our report is more or less saying that this alone will not do the trick. Could a strict EU definition of low-carbon hydrogen hinder growth? The wider and more pragmatic the definitions of low-carbon hydrogen are, the easier market ramp-up will be. Market ramp-up is enormously important for infrastructure. You don't build infrastructure just for demand over the next two years but for the next 10-15 years. Do we need more tailored financial support for UHS, at EU and state levels? There's simply no tailored financial support right now. There's a little aid for hydrogen storage research projects. Currently, policy-making appears focused on whether or not hydrogen infrastructure has to be unbundled. As for financial support, we're completely out of the picture for now. And there's this idea that regulated tariffs make commercially viable projects. But that's not true. It's only booked capacity based on a cost-covering approach that delivers a financially viable project. You don't build infrastructure just to have nice infrastructure without customers. Do we need EU and member state UHS targets? We're not looking for a strict mandatory goal. But if there is a certain goal for hydrogen uptake in the market, then you should ensure that you have the necessary infrastructure in place. That said, targets may be helpful at state level in setting a framework for state aid. But we also have to recognise that Europe is very diversified. Some areas may have very well-functioning hydrogen supply while other landlocked countries might depend on longer supply chains, thus being more dependent on storage. Are markets ready for UHS? Firms are already approaching us. The market is willing, but they need to know what the costs are. The best way forward then is providing clear rules for storage and giving industry a clear pricing idea. There also need to be clear state support mechanisms until we get to cheaper hydrogen and sufficient infrastructure utilisation. In the process of creating UHS capacities we need to keep in mind the SOS for natural gas, which currently is crucial. That's why we focus on new sites — caverns, porous reservoirs and aquifers — rather than repurposing. But at some point, post-2030 with a market ramp-up, decisions on repurposing gas into hydrogen storage will need to be taken. Dafydd ab Iago Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


US services contract in June, signal broad weakening


US services contract in June, signal broad weakening

Houston, 3 July (Argus) — Economic activity in the US services sector contracted in June by the most since 2020 while a report earlier this week showed contraction in manufacturing, signaling a broad-based slowdown in the economy as the second quarter came to an end. The Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) services purchasing managers index (PMI) registered 48.8 in June, down from 53.8 in May. Readings above 50 signal expansion, while those below 50 signal contraction for the services economy. The June services PMI "indicates the overall economy is contracting for the first time in 17 months," ISM said. "The decrease in the composite index in June is a result of notably lower business activity, a contraction in new orders for the second time since May 2020 and continued contraction in employment." The business activity/production index fell to 49.6 from 61.2. New orders fell by 6.8 points to 47.3. Employment fell by 1 point to 46.1. Monthly PMI reports can be volatile, but a services PMI above 49 over time generally indicates an expansion of the overall economy. "Survey respondents report that in general, business is flat or lower, and although inflation is easing, some commodities have significantly higher costs," ISM said. The prices index fell by 1.8 points to 56.3, showing slowing but robust price gains. ISM's manufacturing PMI fell to 48.5 in June from 48.7 in May, ISM reported on 1 July. It was the third consecutive month of contraction and marked a 19th month of contraction in the past 20 months. Wednesday's weaker than expected ISM report, together with a Wednesday report showing initial jobless claims last week rose to their highest in two years, slightly increase the odds that the Federal Reserve may lower its target rate later this year after maintaining it at 23-year highs since last year in an effort to stem inflation. By Bob Willis Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Mexico economy showing 'timid growth': IMEF


Mexico economy showing 'timid growth': IMEF

Mexico City, 3 July (Argus) — Indicators of Mexico's non-manufacturing and manufacturing sectors suggested the economy recovered "some dynamism" in June, while maintaining the slow pace of growth of the second quarter, according to domestic financial association IMEF. "The trend suggested by the IMEF indicators suggest a moderate growth for the second quarter of the year," IMEF said. "The economy finds itself in an evident pause compared with the solid dynamism observed during 2022 and a large part of 2023." Manufacturing "stagnated" in the second quarter, it said. "It is very probable that economic activity will undergo additional slowdown in the second half of the year that will extend into 2025." IMEF's June manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) increased by 0.4 points to 49.5 points, still beneath the 50-point breakeven that shows contraction. This has been the third consecutive month of contraction. PMI adjusted to compensate for variations in company size was more positive, growing by 0.8 points to 51.2 in June, the group said. Manufacturing accounts for about a fifth of the Mexican economy. The non-manufacturing PMI, which covers the lion's share of the economy, rose by 0.6 points to 51 in June, marking a 29th month of expansion, IMEF said. Adjusted for company size, the headline services PMI rose by 0.9 to 5.18. Economic activity in Mexico continues to surprise downwards. After growth came in at an annual 1.6pc in the first quarter from a year earlier, the first data for April showed a monthly contraction of 0.6pc, IMEF said. Headwinds and tailwinds IMEF representatives highlighted growing market uncertainty following the Mexican election and ahead of the US presidential election in November. On the upside, said IMEF, Mexico should benefit from continued strength in the US economy, adding the incoming administration looks to bring down the current fiscal deficit, which is equal to 5.9pc of GDP. It will not reach the government's 3pc target for the budget coming out in November, but progress is expected with next year's budget and moving forward. By James Young Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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