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Cop: International cooperation key for new NDCs

  • 13/11/24

International cooperation is a crucial lever for new ambitious Nationally determined contributions (NDC) — the country's climate plans for 2035 due by February next year, the UAE and Brazil said today at the UN Cop 29 climate summit in Baku, Azerbaijan.

NDCs should include elements that scale up international cooperation, as well as being able to identify joint solutions to keep average global temperatures from rising above 1.5C, said Brazil's environment minister Marina Silva, in a panel hosted by the Troika — the partnership between Cop presidencies of the UAE, Azerbaijan and Brazil.

The Paris climate agreement seeks to limit global warming to "well below" 2°C above pre-industrial levels and preferably to 1.5°C. But the Cop 28 agreement last year recognised "the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5°C pathways".

"Developing economies are growing and they may need to take the conventional route[to meet their growing energy need] or we can help them choose the alternative option through the energy transition," said Cop 28 chief executive Adnan Amin.

Financing for developing economies is a key element to help emerging markets identify policy gaps and meet their NDCs. Cop parties must agree at Cop 29 on the new collective quantified goal (NCQG) — the new finance goal — building on the current $100bn/yr target that developed countries agreed to deliver to developing countries over 2020-25. "We must have an NCQG that makes finance helpful and available," Amin said. Some delegates noted that the outcome in the upcoming meeting of leaders of the G20 in Brazil next week will also be key crucial for climate finance.

Delegates during the panel also called for strengthening and achieving the energy package agreed last year at Cop 28. The deal included transitioning away from fossil fuels, tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling annual energy efficiency gains globally by 2030.

Only the UAE, Brazil and the UK have announced new emissions reduction goals for 2035 so far under their new NDCs. Brazil's Silva said that large emitters need to increase their ambitions.

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