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IEA: Renewable growth by 2030 to fall short of tripling

  • Market: Electricity, Hydrogen
  • 09/10/24

Paris-based energy watchdog the IEA expects renewable additions to grow by 2.7 times by 2030, according to its 2024 report. This would surpass most individual countries' targets, but fall short of the target set at last year's Cop 28 gathering of tripling growth.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) additions are forecast to drive this growth, making up 80pc of new power plants by 2030. China is expected to be responsible for 60pc of this growth, the IEA said. With 670GW of new renewable capacity added so far in 2024 — a 20pc increase on the year — the IEA expects half of global energy generation to come from renewables by 2030. The EU is expected to double the pace of renewable capacity growth between 2024 and 2030.

While the IEA sees renewable growth being driven increasingly by the market rather than government policies, executive director Fatih Birol deems slow grid connection the biggest hurdle facing expansion. The average wait for a connection permit is seven years for wind and five for solar.

And lead author of the report, Heymi Bahar, added that PV manufacturers have been limiting expansion investment in response to a supply glut, with forecast manufacturing capacity for 2030 revised down from last year's report because of the financial risk facing smaller producers and negative net margins. The report also highlights the need for more investment in wind turbine manufacturing.

Despite estimates that electricity generated from renewables will almost double by 2030, the IEA sees renewable fuels — bioenergy, biogas, hydrogen and e-fuels — expanding by just 28pc by 2030, and making up less than 6pc of the energy mix. Europe is also expected see a 6pc increase in renewable fuel demand between 2023 and 2030. Geothermal, tidal and concentrated solar power growth is expected to decline because of a lack of policy support, while hydro is expected to account for less than 1pc of global renewable additions by 2030.


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Japan’s power sector cuts CO2 emissions in 2023-24


Japan’s power sector cuts CO2 emissions in 2023-24

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IEA raises Australian renewable power capacity forecast


IEA raises Australian renewable power capacity forecast

Sydney, 9 October (Argus) — Australia is expected to add more than 52GW of renewable power capacity over 2024-30, with 57pc of the country's electricity generation coming from renewable sources in 2030, Paris-based energy watchdog the IEA announced today. The forecast revision in the IEA's Renewables 2024 report released on 9 October is 2pc higher than the 2023 estimate, it said, although the previous annual report included forecasts up to 2028, with a 49pc renewable share expected for that year. The country's share of renewables in 2023 was around 34pc, according to the IEA. Australia is expected to add around 52.2GW of new capacity between 2024-30 under the IEA's main case scenario, led by utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) at 18.6GW, onshore wind at 15.3GW and distributed solar PV at 13.8GW. Hydropower capacity additions are forecast to reach 2.3GW over that period, while renewables dedicated to hydrogen production total 2.2GW. The IEA expects additions to gradually rise in the coming years, from 5.4GW in 2024 and 5.5GW in 2025 to 6GW in 2026, 6.9GW in 2027 and 8GW in 2028. Additions would peak in 2029 at 11.5GW and fall back to 9GW in 2030. Australia is targeting an 82pc share of renewable sources in nationwide electricity generation by 2030, with the federal government expanding its Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) and launching the first major 6GW tender in May . Tenders will run every six months until 2026-27 for a total of 32GW, consisting of 23GW of renewables — solar, wind and hydro — and 9GW of dispatchable capacity such as pumped hydro and grid-scale batteries, all to be in operation by 2030. Apart from the CIS scheme, corporate demand for renewable energy — mostly through power purchase agreements — and continued growth in distributed solar PV will contribute to the increase in renewable capacity in Australia, stated the IEA. Challenges for utility-scale additions include curtailment, which remains high because of grid constraints, and lengthy connection wait times, the IEA said, although new rules could ease these delays. "Should some or all of these issues be addressed, our accelerated case indicates that growth could be nearly 20pc higher," it said, noting that new renewable capacity could reach nearly 63GW over 2024-30 in that instance. By Juan Weik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Dutch TTF gas rises through coal-to-gas switching range


Dutch TTF gas rises through coal-to-gas switching range

London, 8 October (Argus) — A rally in recent weeks has pushed gas prices up to a range at which even older coal-fired power stations would be more profitable to run than some of the most efficient gas-fired power stations. European gas benchmark price the Dutch TTF front-month has risen strongly over the past two weeks, having closed at €40.57/MWh on 7 October, up from a recent low of €32.80/MWh on 19 September. The higher gas prices have outstripped similar price increases of other energy-related commodities such as coal, with the TTF front-month contract approaching the top of the gas-to-coal fuel-switching range ( see TTF front-month graph ). In assessments on 3 and 4 October, even older coal-fired power stations with an efficiency of 42pc would would be more profitable to run than the newest gas-fired turbines with an efficiency of 60pc, for the first time since early December last year. Geopolitical tensions in the Middle East have contributed to gas' price increase. But with muted LNG deliveries to the continent so far this shoulder season and colder weather than last year, European gas storage sites are less full than they were a year earlier. European stocks were filled to about 94.5pc of capacity on the morning of 7 October, according to GIE transparency platform data, down from 96.7pc a year earlier. Demand has already stepped up strongly in some countries, pushing the continent to some days of net withdrawals from storage earlier in the autumn than in most recent years. While coal prices have also stepped up slightly in turn, partly in reaction to the expectations of higher coal burn, their slower upwards momentum has brought coal largely ahead of gas in the merit order. Many coal trading firms have banked on a strong coal burn this winter, with low trading activity in the shoulder season so far, which incentivises trading companies to keep coal prices close to the fuel-switching level, market participants have told Argus . And prompt prices for European CO2 emissions allowances in September and October so far have been about 20pc lower on the year, closing at an average of €64.24/t, compared with €81.60/t over the same period in 2023. Lower emissions prices benefit higher coal burn as coal is more CO2-intensive than gas, requiring operators to purchase and surrender more CO2 emissions certificates. A similar price movement happened last autumn, when a rally in early October pushed the TTF front-month price to the top of the fuel-switching range. But from early December, when a mild winter reduced the remaining risks for gas security of supply, prices fell through the fuel-switching ranges sharply , to the bottom of the range. Impact probably highest in Germany Germany is one of the last remaining markets with large numbers of both coal- and gas-fired power stations in Europe, leaving the market able to react to price movements in either market more flexibly. The power sector can still provide considerable demand-side flexibility in the German gas market, while coal phase-out plans in the rest of Europe mean the scope for alternating between the thermal generation fuels has narrowed. Gas prices can provide the signal that the market has spare gas for the power sector to burn by falling into coal-to-gas switching territory, while gas prices climb above the fuel-switching range to discourage gas-fired generation when the gas market is tighter. Last winter, gas prices at the very bottom of the fuel-switching range encouraged the highest gas-fired generation in Germany in at least a decade , according to data from European system operators' association Entso-E. While many German coal and gas-fired plants are combined-heat-and-power plants, which do not respond to price incentives as flexibly as pure power plants, the impact of the fuel switch on gas' share in the thermal generation mix was still visible last winter in Germany. In October and November, with prices at the top of the range, gas-fired generation at 6GW met 55pc of the combined call on coal and gas. But when prices dropped through the switching range, gas' share increased to 63pc in December-March, with about 7.3GW of gas-fired generation ( see generation percentage graph ). In addition, the German storage levy of €2.50/MWh, which power producers must pay, pushes gas prices up further in the fuel-switching range. The levy, which is likely to rise further from next year , thus further decreases gas' profitability compared with coal, which could be detrimental for Germany's own coal phase-out plans. By Till Stehr TTF front-month vs fuel-switching range €/MWh German gas- and coal-fired generation and fuel-switching price pc, €/MWh Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


German 3Q hard coal output falls on reduced fleet


German 3Q hard coal output falls on reduced fleet

London, 8 October (Argus) — Hard coal-fired output from German utilities dropped by 23pc on the year in July-September, largely driven by a smaller generation capacity following a series of plant retirements or returning to grid reserve in the first half of 2024. German hard coal-fired generation averaged 2.1GW in the third quarter, according to European grid operator Entso-E. Compared with a year ago this was equivalent to around 505,000t of NAR 6,000 kcal/kg coal consumption, assuming 40pc efficiency plants. September output reached a seven-month high of 2.9GW, but it was down by 15pc from a year earlier. Germany's overall available hard coal-fired capacity was 6.5GW in September, cut by 1.6GW on the year, based on European Energy Exchange (EEX) data. The German hard coal fleet's implied load factor was 45pc in September, slightly higher than 41pc from a year ago. Trianel was the German utility with the highest hard coal-fired generation in July-September, as it raised the output from its sole 750MW hard coal plant Lunen 1 in northwest Germany by 28pc on the year to 380MW. Oynx meanwhile produced the second-highest hard coal output in the third quarter, averaging 352MW, as it was the generator with the sharpest rise in coal burn from a year earlier at 53pc. This was despite the company closing its 350MW Farge plant in March. Phase-out weigh on coal burn Uniper was Germany's largest hard coal-fired operator in the third quarter of last year, but its hard coal output halved on the year to just 316MW in July-September because the utility took off the bulk of its fleet from the market. Only the 1.05GW Datteln 4 plant was running in the third quarter, given Uniper placed its four other hard coal-fired units — the 345MW Scholven B, 345MW Scholven C, 522MW Staudinger 5 and 875MW Heyden 4 — into the grid reserve earlier this year. The company could no longer run hard coal plants within Germany in the near future as it seeks to sell Datteln 4 plant . Similarly, fellow utility EnBW transferred its 517MW Karlsruhe RDK 7 into the reserve in late May, which contributed to a 35pc on-year fall in its total hard coal-fired generation to 248MW in July-September. Steag took off a larger capacity of hard coal assets — around 2GW from three sites in Saarland — from the market in the first half, resulting in a 32pc drop on the year to 99MW in the third quarter. Smaller operators likewise exited coal this year, with Bremen-based SWB shutting down its 119MW Hastedt 15 hard coal-fired unit in the end of April. The municipal utility has already replaced Hastedt 15 with a 104MW gas-fired combined heat and power plant . In addition, Czech utility EPH retired the 690MW Mehrum 3 plant in late March, having returned to the market in August 2022. Elsewhere, Wolfsburg-based industrial user Volkswagen decommissioned its two 138MW coal-fired units in March as the company opted for coal-to-gas fuel switching. Firm renewables supress thermal generation Wind and solar output rose on the year in the third quarter, crowding out not only hard coal but also gas and lignite within the German power mix. Combined wind and solar generation averaged 23.3GW during July-September, up by 12pc on the year. Solar output alone picked up by 2.1GW, owing to a higher load factor and increased installed capacity. Considering hydro and biomass generation also incrementally rose on the year in the third quarter, the overall strength in renewables meant Germany had to cut down thermal power output and cross-border imports in a bid to balance out with the demand, which only rose by 3pc on the year to 54.8GW in the same period. Consequently, thermal generation from hard coal, gas and lignite all fell on the year in the third quarter, but lignite dropped to 7.4GW at a slower rate of just 4pc compared with other fuels because of its low fuel procurement cost. German lignite-fired plants typically source their fuel from nearby mines. German gas-fired output was down by 26pc on the year to 7.1GW in July-September, in part owing to theoretical spark spreads deteriorating from a year earlier. In the beginning of the third quarter, a typical 55pc-efficient gas-fired plant using German VTP supplies was ahead of a 40pc-efficient German hard coal-fired unit on a month-ahead basis, but in the end of the quarter, such coal-gas fuel switching dynamics flipped (see chart). Ronald Kim DE month ahead fuel switching € MWh €/MWh DE coal output by operator GW GW DE hard coal-fired output GW GW Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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