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MISO staff warn of continued capacity shortfall

  • Market: Coal, Electricity
  • 29/08/22

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) is at risk of continued resource capacity shortfalls in coming years because of planned US power plant retirements and expected growth in electricity demand, according to a draft report from the grid operator's staff.

The grid could need more than 100GW of new nameplate capacity by 2030 and 200GW by 2041 to meet electricity load and utility company decarbonization goals, staff members told MISO's resource adequacy subcommittee on 24 August.

MISO staff tied much of the increased need for nameplate capacity to expected decreases in accredited resources as more traditionally baseload coal-fired power plants are replaced with renewable generation, which MISO tends to rank lower in terms of being able to reliably provide power to the grid. MISO staff projected renewables would grow to 30pc of the grid's annual energy by 2027 and may account for as much as 60pc of the grid's power output by 2041. Meanwhile, generators plan to close a little under 34,000MW of coal-fired power plant capacity in the grid and 12,000MW of natural gas by 2041, and add more than 60,000MW of wind, solar and battery resources.

With the energy transition, the amount of currently existing nameplate capacity in MISO will shrink to 146,000MW in 20 years' time from 196,000MW this year, and existing accredited capacity will drop to 112,000MW from 162,000MW.

MISO is also expecting capacity factors at coal and natural gas units to decline. But MISO expects electricity demand on the grid to grow over that time period.

Some parts of the grid are already facing challenges.

MISO's north and central regions had a combined roughly 1,200MW shortfall in the grid operator's 2022-23 planning resource auction in April. And the grid operator requested generator Ameren delay retiring two units of the Rush Island coal-fired power plant, which had been scheduled to close this year.

The capacity deficit could be system-wide next year if generators' addition plans are delayed and companies move forward with planned retirements, MISO staff warned last week. Even if new power is installed as planned, there could be a deficit in capacity across the grid in 2027, they said in slides of their draft report presentation.

In 2027, the amount of accredited existing capacity in MISO may have shrunk to 141,000MW from 162,000MW this year, grid operator staff projected.

MISO serves about 42mn people in 15 central US states and parts of Canada.


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Swedish wind output structurally shifts Nordic hydro

Swedish wind output structurally shifts Nordic hydro

London, 19 March (Argus) — Higher Swedish wind output is a structural supply shift that could support Norwegian hydro stocks over the long term, as recent record hydro reserves come despite below-average rainfall between October 2024 and February 2025. Combined Nordic hydropower reserves have held a surplus to the 10-year maximum for eight of the first 10 weeks of 2025, peaking at seven percentage points in week 10, as Norwegian hydro reserves unexpectedly increased from a week earlier. Reserves across Finland, Norway and Sweden closed week 10 at 55.6pc of capacity, seven percentage points above any other week in the previous 10 years and 5.1 percentage points higher than in 2008, the next highest year. Hydro production in Norway fell on the year in 2024, dropping to an average of 12.1GW, down from 12.2GW in 2023 and around 7pc below the five-year average of 12.9pc. Tighter hydro conditions in the first half of the year weighed on generation. Still, in the final six months of 2024, hydro reservoir output also fell on the year, dropping by 4pc to an average of 11.4GW, down from 11.9GW. That is despite combined Nordic reserves last year holding an average stock surplus of 5.2 percentage points to 2023 between weeks 34 and 52. At the same time, Swedish wind output increased to an average of 4.6GW last year, up by 18pc on the year from 3.9GW a year earlier and ending last year around 34pc higher than the five-year average. Higher wind generation weighs significantly on regional day-ahead prices and discourages hydro production by lowering the spot below the perceived water value of stored hydropower capacity. Rising wind capacity and its effect on the power mix is particularly notable during the first and fourth winter quarters, with generally the highest prices, with Swedish wind output averaging 5.8GW last year between January and March and October and December, up by 22pc from the equivalent periods in 2022. That displacement represents a structural supply shift in the Nordic power market that can support hydro reserves beyond rain and temperature outlook patterns going forward and during below-average precipitation periods, as the call for hydro production falls in hours when wind output is highest that — before significant wind capacity additions in Sweden — were routine output hours. Furthermore, higher run-of-river generation last year, up by 8pc in 2024 compared with a year earlier to an average of 3.4GW, captures the higher stock feed-in and water volumes that supported Nordic reservoirs in 2024 leading into 2025 and emphasises that, like wind output, run-of-river, which is generally not dispatchable undermines the regional spot price and reduces the call for reservoir hydro output. Norwegian hydro production last week peaked at 19.7GW on 13 March and averaged 17.9GW between 10 and 16 March, exceeding the monthly average of 15.9GW in March so far. Higher Norwegian hydro output was directly correlated with lower Swedish wind generation on those days, with Swedish average daily wind generation falling to 1.1GW and 1.5GW on 12 March and 13 March, respectively, while Norwegian hydro output topped 19GW on both days. By 15 and 16 March, Norwegian hydro production fell back to 16.6GW and 14.5GW, as Swedish wind generation rose to 7.6GW and 8.2GW. Unseasonably high reserves have consistently weighed on summer delivery power contracts and supported a substantial €59.20/MWh discount for Nordic June to the German equivalent on 18 March and an average discount of €59.13/MWh between 3 and 18 March. The Nordic third quarter last closed at a €66.10/MWh discount to the German equivalent and has averaged €67.23/MWh below Germany's front quarter over the previous 30 days. Reserves ended last month at 57.8pc of total capacity, some 3.4 percentage points above the 10-year maximum and in Norway, reserves were just 0.5 percentage points below the long-term national maximum, with stocks since switching to a 2.8 percentage point surplus to the maximum in week 10 and a 2.4 percentage point surplus in week 11. This was despite precipitation between October and February being up on the year, it remained below the region's seasonal norm by nearly 20.6mm, with rainfall in Bergen over the same period below the average in four of the past five years. Precipitation over the five months last exceeded the seasonal norm in 2022, totalling 1,804.8mm and registering a 422.9mm surplus to the average. But at February's close, hydro reserves in 2022 were 17.2 percentage points below the equivalent week in 2025, underscoring increased Swedish wind output's impact over the 2024-25 season. By Daniel Craig Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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UK wealth fund to prioritise ‘clean energy’ investment


UK wealth fund to prioritise ‘clean energy’ investment

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EU mulls competitive metals decarbonisation


EU mulls competitive metals decarbonisation

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Turkish lira at all-time low against dollar

London, 19 March (Argus) — Turkey's lira currency fell to record lows against the US dollar today, after the arrest of Istanbul's mayor provoked concern about instability. The depreciation could cause imports of dollar-denominated commodities to become more expensive, although reaction was mixed across markets. The lira went as low at 40/$1 in early trading, from below 37/$1 on Tuesday 18 March, before easing to around 38/$1 later in the day. The lira has been slowly depreciating against the dollar for many years, but the sharp fall today came after Ekrem Imamoglu, one of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's main political rivals, was held on suspicion of corruption and aiding a terrorist organisation. Turkey is a significant importer of natural gas, crude and LPG, as well as coal and petcoke, although demand for many commodities will be muted currently because of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. Early indications from the coal and petcoke markets were that all import trades had halted as the lira hit the record low. In polymers markets the focus is on whether demand recovers after Ramadan ends on 30 March. But a trading source in Turkey said the fall is not enough for "massive changes" to imports of oil products. The OECD forecasts headline inflation in Turkey at 31.4pc this year, the highest among its members, easing to 17.3pc in 2026. The IMF has forecast Turkey's economy will grow by 2.6pc this year, after an expansion of 2.7pc in 2024. By Ben Winkley, Aydin Calik, Joseph Clarke, Amaar Khan and Dila Odluyurt Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Indonesian coal producers wary of proposed royalty hike


Indonesian coal producers wary of proposed royalty hike

Manila, 19 March (Argus) — Indonesian coal producers have raised concerns on a proposed royalty hike by the country's ministry of energy and mineral resources (ESDM). The proposal is ill-timed given an extended sluggishness in coal prices and the impact of recent government regulations, the Indonesian Mining Association (IMA) said. The industry is still navigating the regulatory changes announced in February and a higher royalty will impact revenues, IMA said. Exporters of national resources, including coal but excluding oil and gas, are required to place 100pc of the foreign currency proceeds into a special deposit account of a national bank for at least 12 months, starting on 1 March. This marks a significant increase compared with the initial regulation, which required exporters to place only 30pc of the foreign currency proceeds onshore for three months. Jakarta also approved a decision in February to link coal exports to HBA , a government set reference price, starting from 1 March. Coal prices have been steadily declining since 2024, which has significantly pressured margins, prompting many producers to keep output flat in 2025 and focus on ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs. A higher royalty could lead to lower coal production, IMA said. Coal producers prepare their Work Plan and Budget (RKAB) based on current coal royalty rates, it said. A change in royalty might necessitate a review of these plans since the validity period for the RKAB is three years. The ESDM first announced its plans to increase royalty rates in the first half of March. Coal royalties could be increased by 1 percentage point for producers holding business permits (IUP) for GAR 5,200 kcal/kg or lower coal products when the HBA is at or above $90/t. This would result in GAR 4,200 kcal/kg or lower coal having a new royalty rate of 9pc from the current 8pc. Coal with a higher calorific value (CV) than GAR 4,200 kcal/kg up to GAR 5,200 kcal/kg would have a new royalty rate of 11.5pc, up from 10.5pc. Royalties from coal with a higher CV than GAR 5,200 kcal/kg would remain unchanged at 13.5pc under the proposed revision. Coal Contract of Work (PKP2B) holders will retain their 13.5pc total tariff rate across all coal grades, as the 1 percentage point increase in royalty rates will be offset by a 1 percentage point decrease in mining receipt shares, the ESDM said. The increase was proposed to raise non-tax state revenue collections from the mining industry. By Antonio delos Reyes Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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