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Marine fuel global weekly market update

  • Market: Biofuels, Fertilizers, Hydrogen, Natural gas, Oil products, Petrochemicals
  • 10/04/23

A weekly Argus news digest of interest to the conventional and alternative marine fuel markets. Argus' offices were closed on 7 April. To speak to our team about accessing the stories below, please contact:

Alternative marine fuels

6 Apr Indonesia ships first sizeable volume of UCO to the US Indonesia exported the first ever sizeable volume of used cooking oil (UCO) to the US in...

6 Apr Malaysia's Petronas sells ammonia on formula to Gemoil Malaysia's state-owned Petronas has sold...

6 Apr Brazil's diesel consumption drops in February Brazil's diesel consumption fell in February amid lower demand from the agriculture sector, while gasoline consumption increased.

5 Apr Planned e-methanol site in southern Spain progresses Project developer Cetaer is advancing plans to develop an e-methanol production site in ...

5 Apr West Virginia 2.2mn t/yr blue ammonia plant secures gas One of the largest blue hydrogen projects under development, in West Virginia, US, has secured a supply ...

4 Apr Biodiesel share in German fuel mix up in January The share of biodiesel in Germany's road fuel mix rose on the month in ...

4 Apr UK's Atome actualises Iceland green ammonia plans UK-based green hydrogen and ammonia firm Atome Energy has announced a ...

4 Apr France remained an RME biodiesel market in 2022 French domestic supply and demand for biodiesel remains dominated by ...

4 Apr LNG discount to methanol renews LNG bunker interest The premium for LNG compared with grey methanol flipped to a discount in ...

4 Apr US methanol spot prices sink to multiyear lows The US Gulf coast methanol spot price assessment for the front-month sank to ...

3 Apr Morocco's OCP targets 1mn t of green ammonia by 2027 Moroccan fertilizer firm OCP has announced ambitious green ammonia ...

3 Apr Ireland's ethanol, biodiesel demand edges higher in Feb Irish biodiesel and ethanol consumption increased on the month and the year in …

3 Apr Q&A: EU boosts green marine fuels, says OCI CEO Inclusion of shipping emissions under the EU's emissions trading system (ETS) and mandatory reduction in the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of marine fuels excites OCI Global and Fertiglobe chief executive Ahmed El-Hoshy. The ETS, GHG fuel intensity cuts for EU maritime fuels and upwards revised renewables targets are building the market, he told Argus.

3 Apr Methanex cuts April Asia methanol contract price Canada-based methanol producer Methanex has cut its Asian Posted Contract Price (APCP) to ...

Conventional marine fuels

6 Ap ExxonMobil workers end strikes at French refineries Workers at ExxonMobil's downstream sites in France are ending a...

6 Apr Capesize bulkers face ‘anemic' port congestion: BRS The recent rise in Capesize rates on the back of rebounding...

5 Apr US Gulf coast fuel oil output at 3½-year high in March US Gulf coast residual fuel oil production in March rose to the highest in more than...

5 Apr Croatia's Ina seeks diesel made from non-Russian crude Croatia's Ina has issued a tender to buy diesel on a...

5 Apr India removes crude windfall levy, halves diesel tax India has removed a windfall tax on crude production and...

5 Apr Non-Russia origin bunker fuel sold at premium in UAE Guaranteed non-Russia origin fuel oil has been trading at substantial ...

4 Apr Pemex output of less-desired HSFO at 10-year high Pemex produced 305,100 b/d of heavy sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) in February, a high not seen since ...

4 Apr Japan sees higher oil product demand in FY2023-24 Japan's oil product demand is forecast to increase in the April 2023-March 2024 fiscal year, on the back of ...

4 Apr Lowest European diesel crack spread since war began European non-Russian diesel prices have fallen to their lowest premium against crude since ...

3 Apr Higher Asian bunkers may lift Pacific Panamax rates Freight rates for Pacific dry bulk Panamax vessels could continue to rise on ...

3 Apr NE Asian MR freight rises on higher Chinese exports Freight rates for clean Medium Range (MR) tankers from northeast Asia are higher, supported by ...

3 Apr Oil tanker backlog grows as French strikes rumble on Strikes over pension rights are continuing to hamper operations at French refineries, while a ...

3 Apr Russian Black Sea product exports rise Product loadings at Russian Black Sea ports increased by 60pc ...

3 Apr Fire hits Pertamina's Indonesian Dumai refinery An explosion and a fire hit state-controlled Indonesian refiner Pertamina's ...

3 Apr Boarded tanker found but some crew missing A tanker that was boarded by pirates on 25 March has been recovered, but ...

3 Apr German's Bayernoil refinery extends partial shutdown The shutdown at the Neustadt section of the 207,000 b/d Neustadt-Vohburg refining complex is ...

3 Apr Germany's costly return to diesel cargo market looms German diesel stockpiles are steadily sinking and ...


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Global bio-bunker demand to pick up, US left behind

Global bio-bunker demand to pick up, US left behind

New York, 4 October (Argus) — Tightening vessel carbon intensity indicator (CII) scores and looming 2025 FuelEU marine regulation are expected to raise biodiesel demand for bunkering, but non-competitive US prices should continue to weigh down on US bio-bunker demand. Houston B30, a blend of used cooking methyl ester (Ucome) and very low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO), in September averaged at $821/t, a $45/t premium to B30 sold in Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp, and a $55/t premium to B24 sold in the west Mediterranean hub of Gibraltar and Algeciras (see chart) . Houston B30 was also priced at $115/t and $61/t premium to B24 sold in Singapore and Guangzhou, China, respectively. The price premium would continue to incentivize ship owners with global, ocean-going fleets to pick Asia first for their biodiesel bunker purchases, followed by northwest Europe and western Mediterranean. US demand for biodiesel for bunkering would continue to stagnate unless the US passes a legislation allowing Renewable Identification Number (RIN) credit under the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program be used by ocean-going vessels fueling with biodiesel in US ports. The legislation could level US' price playing field. Two bipartisan bills were put forward in support of renewable fuel for ocean-going vessels, one in the US Senate this year and one in the US House of Representatives last year, but they are currently dead in the water. Conventional marine fuels are priced cheaper than biodiesel and green varieties of LNG, ammonia, methanol, and hydrogen. But tightening International Maritime Organization (IMO) and EU regulations are forcing the hand of ship operators to consider green fuels to avoid hefty penalties and having their vessels suspended from trading. Ship owners whose vessels are outfitted with LNG-burning engines, are poised to have the lowest marine fuel expense heading into 2025, as fossil LNG is currently ship owners' cheapest low-carbon fuel option. But retrofitting a vessel to burn LNG could range from $5-$35mn, depending on the size of the vessel. Biodiesel, a plug-and-play fuel that does not require a vessel retrofit, is the second cheapest low-carbon fuel option after fossil LNG. IMO's CII regulation came into force in January 2023 and requires vessels over 5,000 gt to report their carbon intensity, which is then scored from A to E. The scoring levels are lowered yearly by about 2pc, so even a vessel with no change in CII could drop from C to D in one year. If a vessel receives a D score three years in a row or E score in the previous year, the vessel owner must submit a corrective actions plan. E scoring vessels could be prohibited from entering some ports' territorial waters, but this penalty is yet to be imposed on any E vessels. In 2023, the IMO reported that 40pc of the vessels scored A or B, 27pc scored C, 19pc scored D or E and 14pc were unresponsive. The EU's FuelEU maritime regulation will require ship operators traveling in, out and within EU territorial waters to gradually reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity on a lifecycle basis, starting with a 2pc reduction in 2025, 6pc in 2030 and so on until getting to an 80pc drop, compared with 2020 base year levels. It imposes a penalty of €2,400/t ($2,629/t) of VLSFO equivalent energy for vessel fleets exceeding its GHG limits. By Stefka Wechsler Biodiesel blends* Houston less global ports $/t Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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US tops expectations with 254,000 jobs in Sep


US tops expectations with 254,000 jobs in Sep

Houston, 4 October (Argus) — The US added more jobs than expected in September and the unemployment rate ticked down, signs the labor market is strengthening heading into the US presidential election. US nonfarm payrolls rose by 254,000 workers last month, and the jobless rate fell to 4.1pc, the Labor Department reported Friday. Gains in August were revised up by 17,000 to 159,000 and those in July were revised up by 55,000 to 144,000. September's job gains were much higher than the 140,000 estimated by economists in a Trading Economics survey. Job gains blew past expectations in the same month the Federal Reserve began cutting interest rates for the first time since 2020, citing concerns that a weakening labor market might pull down the overall economy. Odds of a quarter point rate cut at the next Fed meeting in November rose to 91pc today from about 68pc Thursday, according to fed funds futures markets, while odds of a half-point cut fell to 9pc. The Fed last month penciled in 50 basis points of cuts in the remainder of this year. Job gains were higher than the average monthly gains of 203,000 over the prior 12 months, the Labor Department reported. Employment continued to move higher in food services and drinking establishments, health care, government, social assistance and construction. The labor market was little affected by Hurricane Francine, which made landfall in Louisiana on 11 September, during the reference periods for the surveys that contribute to the report. Gains in restaurants and drinking places rose by 69,000 jobs, much higher than the average 14,000 added over the prior 12 months. Health care added 45,000 jobs, below the monthly average of 57,000. Government added 31,000 compared with monthly averages of 45,000. Social assistance added 27,000. Construction added 25,000, near the monthly average. Manufacturing lost 7,000 jobs, most of them in the auto industry. The unemployment rate fell from 4.2pc in August, still higher than the five-decade low of 3.4pc posted in early 2023. Average hourly earnings rose by 4pc in the 12 months through September, up from 3.8pc through August. By Bob Willis Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Ocean Petro Gulf to operate Jafza bitumen terminal


Ocean Petro Gulf to operate Jafza bitumen terminal

Mumbai, 4 October (Argus) — Dubai-based trading firm Ocean Petro Gulf (OPG) has leased an oil products and bitumen storage facility terminal in the Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) from energy logistics firm Tristar, and will be the operator, according to market sources. OPG is planning to expand by building a 10,000t bitumen storage facility at the terminal in the near term. OPG has agreed with Tristar to construct the bitumen storage tank on expectations of rising demand in that location. The terminal was previously owned by Shell and was acquired by Tristar in mid-2022. The terminal has been leased out to OPG as of October under a long-term operator arrangement, but the duration of the lease was undisclosed. The terminal currently has a bitumen storage capacity of 11,000t, and can import and export about 350,000 t/yr of oil products. The operatorship agreement also includes an integrated 90,000 t/yr polymer modified bitumen (PMB) plant, drums filling facility and an emulsion plant. The terminal also has a bitumen and PMB testing facility. By Sathya Narayanan Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Nis steps up bitumen, restarts PMB output at Pancevo


Nis steps up bitumen, restarts PMB output at Pancevo

London, 4 October (Argus) — Serbian refiner Nis has stepped up bitumen production and supply at its 110,000 b/d Pancevo refinery after taking delivery of a cargo of bitumen-rich Iraqi Kirkuk crude. A market participant said the Kirkuk cargo was shipped from a Mideast Gulf loading point. A political stand-off since March 2023 has meant northern Iraq crude cannot be supplied into the Mediterranean region via the pipeline from Kirkuk to Ceyhan, southeast Turkey. The switch to the bitumen-rich crude, after lighter grades had been run through Pancevo in recent months, has also allowed Nis to restart its polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) manufacturing plant at Pancevo this week. The higher quality grade, which is produced by adding polymers like styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) in the initially produced bitumen mix, is increasingly used on some road, highway and airport projects. The PMB plant had been shut since June because the lighter crudes feeding the refinery failed to yield the right specifications and quality of PMBs after mixing with SBS. Nis plans to run another bitumen-yielding Iraqi crude, Basrah Medium, along with Kirkuk this month, helping significantly boost bitumen production for supply into the country's domestic and export markets — mainly Romania and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The heavier crudes will yield very high-sulphur grades of petcoke, the market participant said. By Keyvan Hedvat Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


UK confirms $28.5bn funding for two CCS, H2 clusters


UK confirms $28.5bn funding for two CCS, H2 clusters

Hamburg, 4 October (Argus) — The UK government has finalised a commitment to provide £21.7bn ($28.5bn) over the next 25 years to two planned clusters for carbon capture and storage (CCS) and connected projects, including for hydrogen production. The government has reached "commercial agreement with industry" for development of the clusters, it said today. The funding will go to the HyNet cluster in northwest England and the East Coast cluster in England's northeastern Humber and Teesside regions. The two projects were selected as "Track 1" priority clusters in 2021 and could together store some 650mn t of CO2. They could attract £8bn of private investment, the government said today. "The allocation of funding marks the launch of the UK's CCS industry," according to Italy's integrated Eni, which leads the development of HyNet's CO2 transport and storage system. Eni in February gave a start date of 2027 for HyNet. The East Coast cluster is led by the Northern Endurance Partnership, a joint venture between BP, TotalEnergies and Norwegian state-controlled Equinor. A range of projects will connect to the two hubs to transport and permanently sequester the carbon. These will include hydrogen production projects and supporting infrastructure. HyNet will involve projects developed by EET Hydrogen , a subsidiary of Indian conglomerate Essar, which is planning to bring a 350MW plant for hydrogen production from natural gas with CCS online by 2027 and another 700MW facility by 2028. The hydrogen will be partly used at EET Hydrogen's sister company EET Fuels at its 195,000 b/d Stanlow refinery but some will also be delivered to industrial consumers in the area. The HyNet cluster includes plans for 125km of new pipelines to transport hydrogen. The East Coast cluster involves Equinor's [600MW H2H Saltend] project and BP's 160,000 t/yr H2Teesside venture . German utility Uniper's 720MW Humber H2ub (Blue) project, UK-based Kellas Midstream's 1GW H2NorthEast plant and a retrofit facility from BOC , which is part of industrial gas firm Linde, could also connect to the cluster for CO2 storage. All the projects are due to enter into operation before the end of this decade. The funding confirmation for the CCS hubs "is a vital step forward, catapulting hydrogen towards long-term certainty we need in the UK", industry body the Hydrogen Energy Association's chief executive Celia Greaves said. The previous government last year picked two "Track 2" carbon capture clusters that are scheduled to start operations by 2030 — the Acorn facility in Scotland and the Viking project in northeast England. By Stefan Krumpelmann Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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