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Japan’s flexible energy plan poses unpredictable risk

  • Market: Coal, Electricity, Emissions, Hydrogen, Natural gas
  • 20/12/24

An uncertain energy transition demands a range of policy options, but makes investment planning harder,

The Japanese government has addressed the uncertainty facing its new energy mix goal for the April 2040-March 2041 fiscal year by drafting multiple plans to tackle concerns over the future development of clean energy technologies. But the wide range of targets could also reduce predictability and complicate the country's energy strategy toward its 2050 net zero emissions goal.

The new power mix goal will be the centrepiece of Japan's Strategic Energy Plan (SEP), which is due to be updated before the end of March 2025. The SEP must be reviewed every three years, and the previous one was formulated in 2021, before Russia's invasion of Ukraine refocused Tokyo's discussion on how to prioritise energy security, decarbonisation and economic growth.

The latest review of the SEP has totally changed from the previous one, said Yoshifumi Murase, a commissioner of Japanese trade and industry ministry Meti's natural resources and energy agency, noting that Tokyo will take a flexible approach to its power mix goal while facing uncertainties that include a risk scenario for innovation failures. Meti has not disclosed details of these scenarios.

The draft 2040-41 power mix entails renewable energy making up 40-50pc of the country's power generation, up from 22.9pc in 2023-24 (see table). By contrast, Tokyo plans to curb the thermal share to around 30-40pc from 68.6pc over the period. Meti has refrained from disclosing a breakdown for thermal fuels for now, as the ratio of each will vary depending on technological developments in hydrogen, ammonia and carbon capture, utilisation and storage.

But the absence of a breakdown for thermal power targets could weigh on private-sector investment plans, warns one committee member. "[Technological] uncertainty does exist, but the industry can hardly invest without predictability," said Tatsuya Terazawa, chairman of the government-affiliated think-tank the Institute of Energy Economics Japan. Tokyo is supposed to increase predictability for investors with specific measures for each thermal fuel on the table, he added.

Long-term uncertainty

The ambiguous target also makes it difficult to map out Japan's long-term fuel procurement, especially for LNG, which would play a role in ensuring power generation flexibility alongside the growing share of solar and wind. Japan has faced falling long-term LNG supplies as previous SEPs that promoted renewables and the liberalisation of the retail power market disincentivised the industry to extend contracts. Japanese gas demand is expected to fall in the base scenario, but increase in the risk scenario, Teiko Kudo, deputy president of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, said. It would be important to show the maximum volume of gas Japan may need within a specific period in the next SEP, she said.

The issue of fuel security may be further exacerbated if Japan's planned return of nuclear reactors is delayed. Under the draft power mix for 2040-41, nuclear accounts for around 20pc, up from 8.5pc in 2023-24. But it is still uncertain how many reactors will be operational by then because of safety concerns over Japan's nuclear power sector since the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. The new SEP has made some progress, allowing nuclear power operators who had decommissioned reactors to build next generation reactors at their nuclear sites, not limited to the same site. The previous SEP did not mention building new reactors or replacements.

The 2040-41 power mix aligns with a 73pc greenhouse gas emission reduction goal by 2040-41 based on 2013-14 levels. The new emissions target is currently under discussion, ahead of Japan's submission of its updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the UN Climate Change secretariat by February 2025. Power mix goals could be revised depending on the final NDC, Meti said.

Japan's power mix goal%
Power generation TWh9859341,100-1,200
FY23: actual ratio (preliminary), FY30: confirmed goal, FY40: draft goal


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Lower Rio Tinto Al output cuts New Zealand power demand

Lower Rio Tinto Al output cuts New Zealand power demand

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US gas producers gear up for return to growth


US gas producers gear up for return to growth

Firms have changed their tune since the start of the winter, as weather-related factors have increased the appeal of boosting output, writes Julian Hast New York, 12 March (Argus) — Some large US natural gas-focused producers plan to boost their output in the coming years, in response to higher prices and booming US LNG export capacity. This would reverse a years-long trend among US producers of holding output steady to avoid oversupply, which drags down prices. The largest producer of US gas by volume, Expand Energy, aims to lift production by 3.4pc from last year to 7.1bn ft³/d (201mn m³/d) in 2025 and to boost drilling to bring on line 300mn ft³/d of sidelined production capacity that could hit the market in 2026. Fellow US gas producer Comstock Resources plans to add drilling rigs in the Haynesville shale of east Texas and northern Louisiana this year in a bid to offset output declines triggered by low prices in 2024 and bring new output on line when needed. US firm Range Resources, which operates in the Appalachian region, expects to boost production by 19pc from 2024 to 2.6bn ft³/d by 2027, with most of this growth set to take place in 2026-27, when the majority of the planned new LNG export terminals on the US Gulf coast are slated to begin operations. Range's sharp upward growth trajectory represents a break from its recent past, given that its 2024 output was just 2.5pc higher than in 2020. US gas producers appear poised to raise output by about 2bn ft³/d combined over the next 12-24 months, to refill inventories that have been depleted by a cold 2024-25 winter season and to keep up with booming LNG exports, according to investment bank RBC Capital Markets. But if every US gas producer grows at same the rate that Range Resources envisages, "the macro backdrop could quickly deteriorate", US bank Tudor Pickering Holt said in a note to clients last month. US gas inventories were at an 80bn ft³ deficit to the five-year average at the end of February, compared with a 215bn ft³ surplus on 1 November, according to US government agency the EIA. US gas prices now have now climbed above the marginal breakeven price of the industry, Expand Energy chief executive Nick Dell'Osso says, putting the US breakeven US gas price at about $3.50/mn Btu. This means "supply will ultimately show up and compete", he says. Expand Energy and fellow US producer EQT, which made the same estimation of the industry breakeven price early last year, say their own breakeven figures are lower because of their ample acreage in the Marcellus and Utica shale formations of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia, where production costs are lower. Nymex gas futures prices at the US benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana for delivery in 2026 settled at $4.38/mn Btu on 7 March, up from $3.91/mn Btu at the start of this year. Fair-weather friend The recent growth plans of US producers stand in contrast with many producers' reluctance to boost output earlier this winter, in response to weather-driven shifts in supply and demand. "You don't want to grow for a season" but rather "grow for something that is durable over several years", Dell'Osso said in January. And the production plans of gas-focused firms may end up being overshadowed by those of crude-focused players in the Permian basin of west Texas and southeast New Mexico. These are set to remain the main drivers of production growth in the coming months, thanks to new gas pipeline infrastructure connecting associated gas supply to end markets near the US Gulf coast. Total US marketed gas production is forecast to increase to 114.7bn ft³/d this year and 117.9bn ft³/d in 2026, from 113.1bn ft³/d in 2024, the EIA says. Permian basin output is expected to account for 75pc, or 3.6bn ft³/d, of the additional production by 2026, with output from the basin increasing by 7pc/yr in 2025-26. This would be slower than the 14pc/yr recorded in 2022-24 but would still make it the US' fastest-growing production area. Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


H2 sector wary as EU nears low-carbon rules: Correction


H2 sector wary as EU nears low-carbon rules: Correction

Corrects paragraph 7 to clarify that Hydrogen Europe's requests refer to CO2 intensity of upstream natural gas supply rather than fugitive methane emissions London, 12 March (Argus) — As the European Commission edges closer to publishing its long-awaited low-carbon hydrogen regulation expected this month, there is much at stake for prospective producers within the bloc but also potential overseas suppliers, according to industry association Hydrogen Europe. The European Commission said in its Clean Industrial Deal from late February that it intends to adopt a delegated act defining low-carbon hydrogen this quarter , following publication of a draft last summer and subsequent consultation with stakeholders. The EU has already set a CO2 emissions threshold of 3.38kg of CO2 equivalent for low-carbon hydrogen, but the delegated act will settle the details for a range of production pathways that do not fall under the EU's already-adopted definition of renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs). These include electrolysis from non-renewable power such as nuclear or waste incineration, gas reforming with carbon capture, and methane pyrolysis. Hydrogen Europe is hoping that the adopted text — which would then require approval from the European Parliament and member states — will entail some changes it says are key to unlocking nuclear-powered hydrogen and to ensure a fair reflection of emissions from gas-based production. The association has urged the commission to allow companies buying nuclear power via power purchase agreements to factor this into their emissions calculations rather than having to use a default number that stems from the CO2 intensity of the respective country's grid. This is the only way that grid-connected projects could move ahead in countries with low renewables penetration and otherwise large swathes of production could potentially be ruled out, industry participants have said. The industry body has also stressed that the EU should let gas-based hydrogen producers use project-specific figures for the CO2 intensity of their upstream natural gas supply rather than a blanket number irrespective of the location. Project-specific figures will be used for upstream methane emissions from 2028 under a separate methane regulation, which could potentially advantage Norwegian producers with typically lower upstream emissions over producers in the Middle East and parts of the US. Hydrogen Europe's chief executive Jorgo Chatzimarkakis said the sector "desperately needs legal certainty" and complained that missing deadlines has "become standard rather than an exception" for the commission. Other industry participants have previously made similar arguments around emissions calculations for nuclear power and for upstream methane emissions and many have stressed the need for certainty around the definition. The rules are crucial because low-carbon hydrogen will be needed "in the market ramp-up phase" as "renewable hydrogen is not yet available in sufficient quantities or at sufficiently affordable prices," Chatzimarkakis said. Moreover, many renewable hydrogen projects will probably have to pivot their electrolysers to make low-carbon hydrogen in spare hours to shore up their business case. Curbing low-carbon hydrogen volumes with tight rules inadvertently weakens the case for investment in midstream infrastructure that is essential in the long term, Chatzimarkakis said. This debate on measuring the emissions of hydrogen production is the latest in a slew of painstaking procedures globally, as rule makers have tried to enshrine best practices without overly regulating the nascent industry. The EU took around two years to define renewable hydrogen and the process was hardly quicker in the US. The previous US administration of president Joe Biden clarified rules for its 45V hydrogen production tax credits in early January. It listened to pleas from producers and will allow them to use project-specific emissions calculations that might give the EU food for thought — although the future of the clean energy incentives including 45V is unclear following the return of Donald Trump to the White House in January . By Aidan Lea Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Brazil's Marquise Ambiental invests in 6 RNG plants


Brazil's Marquise Ambiental invests in 6 RNG plants

Sao Paulo, 12 March (Argus) — Brazilian landfill company Marquise Ambiental will invest R400mn ($68mn) in six biogas plants with an estimated total output of around 40.8mn m³/yr. The six plants will be in southeastern Sao Paulo state, northeastern Ceara and Rio Grande do Norte states, and northern Rondonia and Amazonas states, the company said. The Amazonas state plant, in the capital Manaus, is set to produce up to 18mn m³/yr of biogas and should prevent 300,000 metric tonnes (t) of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) from being released into the atmosphere. The Sao Paulo plant is forecast to produce 4.6mn m³/yr, while the Ceara plant is set to produce 2.8mn m³/yr. Meanwhile, the Rio Grande do Norte state plants, Braseco and Potiguar, are forecast to have output of 9mn m³/yr and 4mn m³/yr, respectively. The Rondonia plant is set to have an output of 2.1mn m³/yr, according to the company. The investment will happen in the next three years, but the company did not disclose when operations at each plant will begin. Marquise Ambiental has one 36.5mn m³/yr plant operating in Ceara , dubbed GNR Fortaleza. It is a joint venture between the firm and gas company Ecometano. By Maria Frazatto Planned Marquise biogas plants m³/yr Name State Capacity Osasco Sao Paulo 4,687,000 Braseco Rio Grande do Norte 9,007,000 Potiguar Rio Grande do Norte 4,097,000 Aquiraz Ceara 2,853,000 Manaus Amazonas 18,092,000 Porto Velho Rondonia 2,160,000 Total 40,896,000 Marquise Ambiental Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.


Low gas storage bookings may drive German stockdraw


Low gas storage bookings may drive German stockdraw

London, 12 March (Argus) — Low gas storage bookings for gas year 2025-26 may already be driving withdrawals and may continue to do so in the coming months. German stocks were at about 79.8TWh on Tuesday morning, filling 31.8pc of capacity. That was well below the 131TWh three-year average for this date and the 171TWh in storage a year earlier. Stronger withdrawals this winter were at least partly driven by higher heating demand as well as slower European imports of LNG and Russian pipeline gas compared with a year earlier. But market dynamics for upcoming storage years may also be encouraging withdrawals. A backwardated forward curve, with prompt prices holding substantially higher than contracts in winter 2025-26 and further along the curve, has incentivised the stockdraw over maintaining stocks. That said, prices for the summer quarters have risen above the prompt recently, so some firms could have a slight incentive to keep gas in storage past the end of this storage year. But the inverted THE summer-winter spread has disincentivised capacity bookings for the upcoming storage year. Summer prices holding above winter prices removes the commercial incentive to inject or book storage space profitably. And storage operators have struggled to sell space in recent months, with many auctions closing unsuccessfully as bidders cannot profitably hedge injections for the contract period. In the prevailing environment, only about 55pc of all German storage space has been booked for the 2025-26 storage year, leaving at least 103.5TWh of capacity unallocated, data show ( see data and download ). By contrast, firms had booked 99.7pc of German capacity for the 2024-25 storage year. Storage sites with low or no bookings might be driving withdrawals, as firms near the end of some storage contracts. At sites where some capacity is booked for the next storage year, firms could sell their stocks to other capacity holders if there is no financial incentive for withdrawing it. But at the six sites with no 2025-26 bookings yet — Rehden, Wolfersberg, Harsefeld, Frankenthal, the VNG-operated Jemgum caverns and SEFE's Speicherzone Nord — firms cannot sell gas in-store as there are no available buyers to transfer gas-in-store to, incentivising firms to empty stocks ahead of the summer 2025 filling season. Consequently, sites with no booked capacity for the upcoming storage year currently are filled less than most other German sites ( see graph ). The remaining sites suggests a correlation between 2025-26 bookings and stocks, as sites with a lower proportion of capacity booked for the next storage year tend to be less full, following stronger withdrawals this winter ( see withdrawals trajectory graph ). Stock dilemma Before the 2024-25 storage year ends on 31 March, any capacity holder left with stocks must decide either to withdraw that gas or sell it to a company holding 2025-26 capacity, if there is sufficient storage space booked at the individual site. Barring additional capacity sales, that suggests that about 7TWh may need to be withdrawn on contractual grounds alone, not accounting for weather or withdrawals from fully-booked sites. About 5.6TWh of that is stored at Rehden, Germany's largest storage site, whose operator SEFE Storage allows capacity holders to withdraw 10pc of their stocks up to two months after the storage year ends . Rehden was filled to 12.1pc of capacity on Tuesday morning, leaving about 1TWh to be withdrawn even if all capacity holders utilise that 10pc allowance. Four of the six sites with no 2025-26 bookings are depleted fields or aquifers, which have lower withdrawal and injection rates than salt caverns and offer capacity holders less flexibility to react to unusual price spreads. Caverns often offer faster injection and withdrawal speeds, so could still be used economically in summer by, for example, reacting to price volatility rather than seasonal spreads. Faster cycling also allows cavern capacity holders to wait longer before starting pre-winter injections, potentially allowing them to wait until the summer-winter spread normalises before injecting. Slower-cycling sites such as aquifers and depleted fields are usually drawn down more consistently in winter as their slower injections and withdrawals reduce their flexibility. That said, some operators might need to inject into caverns to maintain their structural integrity. This might stop withdrawals or possibly support a minimum of injections ahead of or early in the filling season. German storage operator Uniper Energy Storage bought some gas to store as de-facto cushion gas at its Etzel EGL and Etzel ESE sites last week to comply with German law. Restrictions on minimum pressure are enforced by mining authorities and can differ by site, storage operators have told Argus . By Lucas Waelbroeck Boix and Till Stehr Storage bookings next year vs current fill level % Fill level trajectories grouped by site type % Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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